Entering the Administrative Building

Kai and Bob walked towards the ancient grey castle-like building that was the administrative office. In order to get to the entrance, they had to climb a couple of wide stairs that gave the building a more regal and imposing aura.

As Kai started to walk up the stairs, Bob leapt onto Kai and crawled up to his shoulders before lying on them like his own personal bed. Kai wasn't surprised at his Bob's sudden movement as he was used to Bob's sudden impulses. Over the years, Kai and Bob had gained a thorough understanding of one another including the other's quirks.

They both were important people in the other's life, they were like brothers. Partners that had been through many near death battles and had learned to trust each other with the other's life. While Kai appeared to be the most powerful of the pair, that wasn't necessarily true.

In certain situations, Bob was in fact much more efficient than Kai could ever be. Bob was nearing Kai's physical strength as a result of the daily energy doses he had received from the blood orb.

Kai and Bob each tried to sense who and what was inside the building in front of them. Kai extended his sense of hearing and smell through the building and tried to gauge the strength of all the people inside. When he was at the gates he wasn't able to get a clear observation due to there being a barrier that intervened and blurred his senses from seeing exactly who and what was a deemed as a threat.

From this Kai could infer that there was a powerful being inside the academy. But he didn't know where or what he was. However, now that he was inside the academy grounds he was able to extend his senses and discover a more in-depth amount of information from the administrative office in front of him. And although he couldn't sense exactly what was inside the building he could judge that inside the third floor was the being with the most threatening aura.

Kai could sense a total of 10 people inside the building. There were 3 people on the ground floor. 5 people on the second floor and 2 people on the third floor. However, he could only sense one normal heart signature from the first floor. From his sense of smell, Kai could smell 4 strong smells resembling dogs and 5 different smells that resembled flowers.

There were many supernatural beings inside the building and in order for him to not blow his cover, as well as to escape their senses he had to appear completely human. So while he was making his way up the stairs he utilised his blood strands in a way that would appear as if they were his bloodstream and thus making it seem as if he was human. After fixing his appearance he walked up the stairs and stood before two large heavy wooden doors.

Bob told Kai mentally to be wary because he was sensing someone opening the door. While he didn't sense a major threat level Kai and Bob weren't about to underestimate anyone anymore after the many times that Kai lost due to his arrogance and pride.

While investigating the two large doors, they opened and a beautiful young lady, wearing grey office lady attire stood at the entrance with a warm smile. She had long red hair with pale white skin and a pair of electrifying blue eyes. A narrow face and many freckles on her cheeks that added to her friendly charm. Her body wasn't hidden by her office attire and instead managed to pull off the look and made the outfit seem stylish.

She looked at Bob that was lying on top of Kai's shoulders and smiled politely and said in a soft but firm voice "I'm sorry sir but we don't allow pets inside the administrative building. Please leave your pet in the car."

"Don't worry miss, but my cat here is very well behaved so you have no need to worry," Kai said to her in his deep and attractive voice, that sent chills down the beautiful lady's back. "But sir…" At that moment Kai, Bob and the lady heard a voice come from the third floor say quietly in a calm and time-worn voice. "Enough Penelope, just let him in. No need to argue about the small things."

The lady now identified as Penelope raised her hand to her ear and pretended to hear something in her earpiece and said to her guests. "Sorry for the hassle, the director says it doesn't matter anymore. So, I'll take you to him directly, please follow me." After saying her piece she turned around and walked in an elegant and authoritative through the corridor and stopped at a spiralling staircase.

"Please follow me and don't enter doors that are closed or have signs that say do not enter. As there have been experiences that have caused guests lots of shock, so please abide by these rules."

Penelope then started to walk up the stairs, her hand on the wooden bannister. Kai followed while trying to find out exactly what she was and at the same time looking at the many paintings that adorned the walls around the staircase. He first tried to hear if she had a heartbeat, after a few moments Kai discovered that while it was faint she indeed had a heartbeat. In addition, she had a blood flowing through her veins.

Kai tried to use his sense of smell to find out what kind of creature she was but only found out that she had the smell of a mixture of fur and roses. As a result, he wasn't sure what she was and instead focused on the paintings.

Kai started to look at the paintings and a few caught his eyes. One such painting was depicting a small cottage in a field with sunlight pouring onto it. And while most people wouldn't notice, he could see that the field was very similar in shape to the school grounds they were on right now. There were many other paintings that depicted scenery and only one other caught his eye.

It was a painting that seemed to tell a story, showing a castle not incredibly large but instead gave off a quiet and lonely feeling. It was painted with the land in front of the castle having the same field from the first painting with the cottage.

However, this time it wasn't painted at day with sunlight, but instead painted at night with many monstrous shadows symbolizing darkness or pain. At least that's what Kai assumed they meant.

Kai asked Penelope "Excuse me do you happen to know who painted these paintings?" She stopped and turned around looking directly at Kai with a sharp gaze. "Which paintings are you referring to sir?"

Kai pointed at the cottage and castle and told her "the castle and the cottage miss." "Well the academy doesn't know who painted these paintings when we bought it at an art gallery." "Is that so" Kai mused.

"Then can I buy them, I would be willing to pay as much as I need to get them, so can you name a price? Also, don't say that you don't have any authority here, because if you didn't you wouldn't walk in such a proud way so once again name your price."

Penelope's gaze turned from a sharp gaze to a cold gaze, however, at that instant, she revealed a sliver of killing intent that was directed at Kai. Penelope quickly hid it, however, both Kai and Bob were extremely sensitive to killing intent and detected it the moment that it was released.

Bob who was lying on Kai's shoulders opened his eyes and looked coldly at Penelope before sensing that nothing was going to happen closed his eyes. She sensed her slip- up but couldn't do anything about it and hoped that they didn't sense her killing intent. At that moment the atmosphere was incredibly tense.

In the end, she said in a cold voice "You can't buy it as the paintings are not for sale." Afterwards, she turned around and continued up the stairs without looking back. The rest of the way to the director's office was silent and awkward.