The Big Reveal

Kai watched as the gigantic dragon shot at him with a murderous gaze clearly shown. He wasn't going to let it pick up enough momentum to do enough damage. Of course, not to him but to the wall and to the soldiers, who were cannon fodder to the transcendents. But they were still good enough to take out the horde of dragons, so he couldn't let them receive harm before they fulfilled their assignment.

"TO WAR!" Kai shouted as he flapped his wings and boomed of the ground. The many mortal beings and creatures couldn't see Kai anymore, due to his supersonic movements and remained looking at the spot where he took off.

His battle cry was met with many yells of approval, as all of the defenders started to release their attacks and bombarded the enemy. The transcendents didn't enter the fray as they were waiting for the enemy transcendents to appear.

As Kai flew towards the dragon he felt it was familiar, not something that he should care about but he knew that he had felt that aura from somewhere. But unluckily for the dragon, it didn't matter as he was on Dahak's forces so he was destined to be Kai's enemy.

The vampire progenitor swung his arm back and punched outwards when it collided with the dragon's tail they were both sent backwards. Kai stopped and righted himself in the air, checking to see the damage he had received from the previous attack.

He only received a slight cut on the back of his palm, which instantly healed, the vampire progenitor growled. 'Damn, I really should focus more on aerial combat in the future.' Kai still hadn't trained for aerial combat as he had only received his wings after the arena.

But he noticed that his opponent had received far greater damage and had a finger sized hole in his chest. The dragon roared out in pain and let the wound regenerate, but that didn't stop him from rushing towards Kai.

After exchanging tens of blows Kai and the dragon had moved far away from the battlefield so nearing a secluded area for Kai to fight to his heart's content. He had realised that the dragon was slowly getting better, refining its attacks and moving more efficiently. 'I should end this quickly, otherwise, eventually, I will have to use more of my energy reserves than I want to,' he thought.

Kai cast all of his buffs and received a 50% boost in power in all physical attributes. "Die!" The winged vampire roared and shaped his hand in a claw shape and stabbed his hand into the dragon's chest.

He felt something beating rhythmically, before grabbing it and pulling out a chunk of it from his chest. He looked at the large chunk of flesh in his hand before sinking his fangs into it and sucked the blood out of it.

The dragon's body lifelessly fell out of the sky and collapsed onto the ground, creating a large crater. Or at least that was how it seemed. The dragon's body slowly moved as the heart and the battered body slowly healed, the chunk that Kai had grabbed regrew.

"It seems that I can't fight properly in this form yet" it growled. The vampire progenitor watched in shock as the enormous dragon slowly shrunk until it was a 2 metre tall humanoid. His features greatly resembled Sam's, however, his body was covered in purplish-black scales while he had sprouted a tail and curled horns.

"Sam?" Kai asked with a questioning tone that quickly turned firm. "I thought you had escaped like the coward you are, but it turns out that you are actually a traitor... Even better I can finally have my revenge against that time that you tried to kill me during our first meeting."

His eyes glinted with a dangerous light. "That's my line" Sam screeched, "but I will kill you gladly for destroying my life!''

Kai frowned inwardly and tried to understand what the boy was thinking, however, he didn't recall ever doing anything that should have hurt the boy. But who was he to argue with a soon to be deadman.

'What a fool,' he thought. 'I fight the best against humanoids, the dragon would have been more challenging but this is just handing me your head on a silver platter.'

Kai wasn't in the mood to play games with Sam anymore, he was aware of the looming threat that was Dahak and didn't want to waste energy if he could.

Using the vast combat experience that he had gained from the endless fights in the arena, he was the first one to attack and used a well-timed feint aimed at Sam's head to actually crush and paralyse his leg. His leg regenerated after a few moments but Kai was easily able to take advantage of this moment and broke Sam into little pieces.

Just to make sure that Sam would stay dead, Kai incinerated the remains so that he wouldn't be able to heal properly and afterwards created a powerful wind so that his ashes were scattered. He half expected for Sam to return, but this time he didn't and was glad.

There was no competition between the two, Kai had been at the king level of strength for years and had been carefully refining his strength in the arena while fighting against opponents that were far more powerful than he was. He had much more combat experience and strength as well as magic.

Sam, on the other hand, was an immature brat that had received a huge power up without the relevant training. He was also blinded by his desire for revenge that he had forgotten how to fight properly.

If he had stayed in his dragon form he could have fought for longer as Kai would require more attacks to harm him, combined with the dragon's regeneration it could have taken him a couple of hours to kill him if he hadn't used the soul aura.

But he didn't, it would have been overkill as well as a large unnecessary use of energy. The soul aura depleted much of Kai's energy. He instantly returned to the wall and watched the dragons attacking, the defenders on the wall were shooting them down while the dragons rushing through the gate were being attacked and killed instantly.

However, they were slowly but surely breaking through the defences and breaching the wall. Kai was annoyed and focused on the large horde of dragons and used the ability that would give him his name and title.

'Blood detonation' he thought while focusing on as many targets as possible without depleting himself of energy. The next thousand and a bit dragons that were attacking the walls were instantly blown up.

The blood shot out of the dragons bodies and Kai instantly gathered it up. He condensed it into a large blob of blood several metres large and floated it in front of him. Extending his hands, he pushed them into the large mass of blood and focused on absorbing the blood.

The vampire progenitor had already spoken to the manifestation of his subconscious and had asked him what would happen regarding the blood absorption. He had told him that the [Berserk] ability wouldn't absorb any more personalities or powers from the blood. It was only a one time effect as a result of the arena.

As he sucked up the blood he felt his blood energy returning with a larger capacity and repeated the process. Kai grinned as he watched the many dragons blow up while feeling the admiration and worship of his subordinate as well as the respect of the many transcendents.

He pretty sure that he was officially classified as a pseudo emperor with his own reveal of his [blood detonation.]