Dahak's Defeat

The two peak level combatants rushed at each other, each one unleashing their individual law infused attacks. Kai wanted to destroy the great primordial dragon as soon as possible, due to him wanting to find Harry as soon as possible.

But as both their bodies clashed continuously, Dahak understood that he was using up too much energy and was depleting his already low reserves even further. So as they were fighting one another, pummelling each other repeatedly, Dahak started to shrink himself and changed to a humanoid dragon at Kai's height.

Using his impressive power and experience, Dahak started to use his darkness and utilised various techniques and abilities that crashed into Kai but he didn't get affected by them all that much. The only thing that happened was his bone armour getting destroyed somewhat before regenerating instantaneously.

Kai, on the other hand, was using his blood law to lower and destroy his enemy's defences as well as put on a heavier drain on his energy. He was slowly injecting conjured up blood that he had created from changing other materials such as earth and dust, into blood, into the dragon's body while he was regenerating.

And he was succeeding exhausting him even further, as they continued to destroy the other and regenerate over and over, the vampire progenitor created a myriad of different blood constructs that smashed into the dragon's body. They pierced into the dragon's scales and tore open his arteries that allowed Kai to create stronger constructs with Dahak's blood, that further damaged the dragon.

But as he continued to fight the dragon they both realised that they were running out of energy. Kai wasn't an emperor that specialised in magic. Instead, he was a close combat fighter. Specialised in the use of physical combat and similar abilities.

He usually used magic as an augmentation and thus didn't have large reserves compare to the more magic specialised emperors. In addition, the [Devilification] ability that Kai had gotten as a result of the [Berserk] ability being tamed and infused with the law of darkness and blood had changed it to become more powerful. Unlike Dahak that was balanced, he had incredibly large reserves in both law energy and stamina as a result of his dragon heritage.

The ability amplified Kai's physical prowess, more than it did his magic. He could still use his initiate abilities as freely as possible because they only required stamina- the physical energy. This had changed after the [Devilification] had changed the energy required from blood energy to stamina- something that Kai had a limitless supply off.

As he continued to fight the dragon, he realised that Dahak was losing more and more energy. He understood that the primordial dragon's reserves were at their limit. His magical energy was also nearing their limit but he wasn't worried, as soon as the dragon exhausted his law energy, Kai's own attacks would become much more powerful as the dragon's protective energy would disappear.

Kai knew that he needed to destroy the dragon once and for all, but not only he knew this, Dahak knew that he was losing and if he didn't escape now then he would perish.

The dragon released his last law attack as condensed dark flames that flew out of his maw, and when Kai was defending against the powerful attack, he flew away at his top speed. Kai blocked the flames but they took him a few precious seconds, these seconds were crucial as Dahak could fly at light speeds and could travel hundreds of thousands of kilometres in a second.

Once Kai finished blocking the attack, he spread out his [Mind's Eye], another change that had happened because of the [Devilification]. [Mind's Eye] covered the ENTIRE WORLD, (something that would give Kai an ability similar to that of a god) in an attempt to find the pseudo demigod but to no avail, the dragon was nowhere to be found on earth.

The vampire emperor thought to search inside the earth because the dragon had hidden inside the ground before. But after exhausting some effort, he understood that the dragon was nowhere on earth.

This line of thinking caused him to be depressed until he thought 'on the earth.' That meant that he had to have escaped to space, and he couldn't have gotten too far if he was still incredibly injured and had no law energy.

This caused him to speed off Earth with an enormous flap of his wings and create an enormous crater that spanned a couple tens of kilometres. After flying through space, he found that the dragon was flying at his top speed towards the sun.

Kai understood what he was trying to do as soon as he sensed him. The dragon was going to enter the sun and use it as a medium to fuse with Sheridan's law of light. Once he did this, he would become a full-blown demigod and acquire the power to destroy Kai with ease.

The vampire emperor knew that he couldn't let him do this and put all of his strength and speed into his wings, while at the same time merging with the vast darkness inside of space to teleport or shadow jump as he called it and fly at the same time, reaching unprecedented levels of speed.

Usually, Dahak could do the same, but he was unable to use his law and thus could only fly. Kai continued to speed towards the dragon and at some point, in the chase, Dahak sensed him and tried to pick up speed.

After a few minutes of chasing, just when Dahak was about to reach the sun's molten surface, Kai caught up to him and stretched out his hand. He grabbed onto the dragon's leg and pulled with all of his strength. His expression was full of relief, while Dahak was full of desperation and glee.

He believed that he could reach the sun and he was right to believe so, as in most cases if there was a situation like this Dahak would be able to reach the sun.

But this wasn't his moment, Kai used the new ability that he had gained as a result of drinking Dahak's blood and successfully evolving the blood orb to level 4 to teleport him into the orb.

Dahak was filled with despair once he noticed that he wasn't going to achieve his goal. He knew that if he didn't manage to defeat Kai then he was going to have no more chances to survive.

He used all of his means to attack Kai, but to no avail. Inside the blood world, Kai was a god, he couldn't be harmed unless he wanted to be. This had happened after the manifestation of Kai's subconsciousness had been destroyed by the [Bersek] ability and the ability was destroyed by Kai, leaving him as the only master of the orb.

Kai was exhausted and so was Dahak, they both wanted to recover, Kai mentally while Dahak wanted to find a safe space and stay in seclusion for a few years. But Dahak was destined to die the moment that he entered the blood orb.

Kai summoned all of his defeated opponents, this included the beasts that he had beaten in the arena- beings that were at the very least at the king class. And many of Dahak's own army, many of them that were killed due to Kai's [Blood Detonation.]

As they started to creep up towards him once pounced at him, but harmlessly fell off as the dragon's scales were too tough. This wasn't a problem for the vampire progenitor, as he made the magical beast army stronger, by having claws and fangs that could pierce through his scales with ease.

They pounced onto the dragon and started to rip him apart after receiving Kai's signal. Due to the dragon's physique, he was constantly regenerating and Kai's army simply continued to tear at him.

It was fated for the dragon to die after a long amount of torture at the hands of the beast army. As he was being ripped apart, Kai took the dragon's core and put in his storage space- another part of the blood world.

Kai left the blood world and with the remnants of his power he managed to arrive back in earth's atmosphere. With the last flickers of his consciousness, he positioned himself in the direction of the grounds of White Rose Academy, knowing that Tom would look after him. As he fell he wondered 'Harry were are you?' He then blacked out and smashed into the ground, but his mind was no longer awake.


This is the end of the arc, comment on what you thought of the finale. Was it good or bad? Were there places to improve it?

Also, I won't be updating for a few days-weeks for a couple of reasons:

1) I have lots of exams and I need to study for them

2) I still haven't created the third arc's plot and I will have to finish it before I start updating again. In case you haven't noticed, this whole second arc was created on the spur of the moment and I can't do that with the next arc as it is incredibly important for the story.