Rewritten History (2)

Tom continued his previous summary of the events that happened during the vampire lord's coma. "As I was saying apart from the occasional skirmishes between the vampires under the throne of the supposed blood lord, all was relatively peaceful in the wizarding world. The vampires under the fake blood lord are considered a terrorist group after the tremendous damage they experienced during the second war.

That is until the year 1991 also known as the first year Harry Potter the boy who lived was sent to the school of witchcraft and wizardry- Hogwarts." Tom noticed that due to the fact that he hadn't spoken too much about Harry's life at school Kai was getting impatient and wasn't listening as intently as he was at the beginning.

So the acting lord of the court said "On another note, I have tried my best to make the boy's home life as good as possible. I Used and am using various connections and bribes to send child abuse investigators and policemen to make sure that he is properly treated.

I knew that you wouldn't want him to be mistreated. In the beginning, the muggles were foolish enough to throw the boy in the cupboard under the staircase but after the investigator's visit and the large fine, they received they didn't dare to do so again.

I have tried to get him out of their custody numerous times but a powerful political force seems to manage to get them to keep their guardianship of him no matter how many times they slip up. I believe that it is either Dumbledore or the entity that has changed the memory of the world."

'Dumbledore' Kai thought in anger, he knew that he was the most likely bet as he needed Harry to be starved of love for his plan to work. It was obvious that he wanted Harry to be a martyr, in the original series he did end up sacrificing himself in the forbidden forest.

If Harry wasn't a Horcrux then he would have died. 'How dare that manipulative bastard keep Harry in that abusive home. In the original canon series, he kept him in the Dursleys, when he clearly knew what was going on in the house.

He must have put up surveillance wards in addition to the blood wards that he set up, to make sure that nobody changed the arrangements. And even if he didn't that doesn't change the fact that when Harry told him of the terrible conditions that he had to live with, the manipulative old geezer didn't do a thing about it and sent my son back there.

All this to make his character more mouldable and to make him look up to him and his grandfatherly persona. He would do everything for the supposed greater good, when in fact it was for his greater good.

But now that I am awake, I will have to save my son from his grasp.' Kai swore to himself resolutely.

Tom waited for his sirer to finish with his thoughts before continuing, "When Harry joined Hogwarts there was an important artefact brought in, from what I've heard it was the blood of a powerful magical beast that would enhance a vampire's strength.

Obviously, it was a fraud, but some idiot vampire wannabe joined Hogwarts as the DADA(Defence Against the Dark Arts) teacher. He spent the whole year trying to steal it from its hidden place in Hogwarts and thus Harry got dragged into the whole ordeal because of his relations with the blood lord.

Luckily when the "blood lord" possessed the worshiper and caused the wizard to attack Harry, it caused him to "awaken" his vampiric powers that had been sealed by the entity. Using these powers, he was able to defeat him."

As Kai listened to the Co-leader of the Court talk, he understood that someone or something was manipulating the events to mirror the original plot of the original story, only for it to be a vampiric version. (It is I the author... LOL)

As Tom continued to talk about the second year where a bat monstrosity (Kai assumed it was a 4th generation vampire acting on the orders of the blood lord) attacked the throughout the school year and caused much anguish to the school before Harry was able to defeat it. Once again mirroring the second year of the canon HP story.

The third year was pretty lax with the exception of the dementors that were following an escaped convict that was a vampire that had found another hiding in Hogwarts and apparently was trying to kill Harry.

Tom had used his connections to discover that the escaped convict was, in fact, Sirius Black who had been bitten by a vampire in Azkaban and thus escaped to warn save Harry with the information he had gained from Azkaban about a hidden vampire's familiar in Hermione's grasp.

This time Harry had gained a father figure. Kai growled in rage as he struggled to keep his aura in control with anger rolling off him like invisible waves as he struggled to keep his aura in check.

The fourth year was according to the original and had almost the same events with the tri-wizard tournament and Moody had been incapacitated as another vampire was disguised as him after he used a unique ritual combined with Moody's blood to take on his appearance.

Harry had obviously won with his vampiric talents with the Veela winning second place. This was a change that was unexpected, but then again Fleur Delacour had many talents that were frowned upon due to her Veela heritage.

But since Harry was using his vampiric talents that weren't counted as wizarding abilities, she decided to use all of her means to win.

Apparently, when the boy who lived grabbed the cup, the blood lord had summoned him to his castle where he attempted to turn him to his side by controlling his vampiric side. He had made a 6th generation vampire turn Cedric who Harry had taken with to the castle.

But the fake blood lord had failed to control him as he while being what Kai assumed was one of the only remaining first generation vampires in existence, he was of a different kind of vampire compared to the ones that Kai had sired.

'The idiot' Kai had thought, of course, he wouldn't be able to control Harry. Only Kai could but even his control over Harry wasn't absolute and with enough will he could break free of his restraints, much less a weaker species of vampire such as the native vampires of this world.

Harry had escaped, taking the bitten Cedric after the blood lord had gotten annoyed at the fact that he would be unable to control him and attempted to attack the boy - who – lived.

Cedric had been sent to a facility owned by the Dark Lords' Court that was supposed to help the survivors and those who were attacked and turned by the vampire terrorists.

Now it was summertime and if Kai guessed correctly then the mastermind behind the many changes that had happened after he had entered his coma would send some kind of dark creatures after Harry to replicate the dementors.

He wanted to be there for him but unfortunately, he would have to make sure everything was in place for the layout of his plan to retrieve Harry with his original memory intact. For the meantime and much to his dismay, he would have to let the manipulative bastard protect Harry for the time being.