The First Lesson(1)

The following days were spent with Kai caring for the magical beasts, getting to know them and talking to them. Eventually, his first day to start teaching came and appeared in his classroom, waiting for his 5th-year students to arrive.

He stood in the back of the class in his usual outfit- a white dress shirt that was hidden under his red trench coat. He heard the students voices along with their loud footsteps ring through the sealed hallways of the castle walking to the classroom.

They entered loudly, their faces showing confusion. They clearly did not understand why they were having their lessons in the castle instead of being outside. Hagrid always had his lessons outside on the outskirts of the forest.

Kai noticed Harry first as he walked in, his scent was the brightest and most vibrant compared to the rest. Next to him was Ron, who in Kai's opinion was a terrible influence. He was the main cause of Harry's dislike in studying and learning of the magical arts.

On Harry's other side was Hermione Granger. Behind them came Seamus Finnigan, Neville Longbottom and Dean Thomas. These were the Gryffindor half of the students.

The other half of the students were the Slytherins, it was a mixed class after all. Kai actually believed that true Slytherins (not the arrogant pure-blooded ones like Draco Malfoy that had no talent in manipulation) were the qualities that Harry had when he was younger. He could guess that the sorting hat had some indication that Harry possessed these traits.

Unfortunately, with his loss of memory, it seemed that these Slytherin qualities had been buried deep within his psyche.

Draco Malfoy entered before the Gryffindors along with his loyal but useless bodyguards Greggory Goyle and Vincent Crabbe. Draco was considered the prince of Slytherin due to his father's backing. The trio were followed by Daphne Greengrass the Slytherin ice queen and her best friend Tracey Davis.

All in all, it was a pretty small class but when only a few students arrive in Hogwarts during the 90s it was expected. Usually, there would be a larger student population in the castle but due to the war with Voldemort many families were killed thus effectively reducing the wizarding population and with that the children's population as well.

After Kai saw that everyone that entered was seated, he was about to begin his lesson but stopped. He said "Everyone can talk until the rest of the students arrive. Perhaps a few will be late due to the unexpected classroom change."

He wanted to understand how Umbridge's lessons went as they were right before his, he had picked up the students' conversations and among them were complaints about Umbridge's class. They came mainly from Harry's group but there were other comments from others.

"Harry I can't believe that she gave you detention for merely giving your opinion, it's ludicrous," Hermione stated.

"Yeah," Ron said

"It is rubbish what's she's going to be teaching us. I've already read every textbook on our list this year and there isn't anything new at all." Hermione continued

"And she said that there aren't going to be any practical lessons, in order to pass our O.W.Ls, we need to be proficient enough to cast the required spells. What do you think Harry?"

"I think that she's deliberately not teaching us anything at all. They are trying to deliberately restrict our education because Fudge is scared that Professor Dumbledore is teaching something important and want to keep it from spreading."

Kai continued to eavesdrop on their conversation and decided that it was time to begin.

He clapped his hands and said, "can I please have your attention."

After the students were quiet he continued "To get to know you I have decided that we will be performing a small activity to get to know you. You will say your name and one particular subject you are good at.

I will begin. My name is Kai Darcone and I am particularly good at defence and care of magical beasts."

He pointed at Draco "you with the blond hair sitting in the second row, why don't you go next."

Draco looked at his teacher with pride and said "My name is Draco Malfoy. The heir to the house of Malfoy and I excel in potion making."

"Very good Mr Malfoy, what about you Mr Weasley?" Kai asked.

"My name is Ron Weasley and I am good at quidditch." He gave a short answer and appeared to be suspicious nervous of Kai's question. "Ehm sir how do you know my name?"

"Well since you have given it to me it is natural I know it. But I assume that you are asking how I knew you were Mr Weasley. It was quite obvious after all there aren't many wizards who are redheads, especially who go to Hogwarts. I hope that answers your question."

The entire class laughed at his words and Ron's face turned the colour of his hair.

"Now how about you Miss…" Kai pointed at Daphne Greengrass.

This continued for the rest of the class as name after name was called and soon the last person was called.

"Harry Potter you may begin your introduction," Kai said to the boy.

"Hi sir my name is Harry Potter and my best subject is defence."

"Thank you, Mr Potter." Once he finished Kai moved to the middle of the class.

"Now before I start the lesson I believe that I should tell you my required rules in my classes as it is your first lesson with me. The first is that there will not be any house rivalries in this class, those who mention them shall receive detention with me. Those who act on them shall spend some time with me doing some more unpleasant detentions such as shovelling the magical creature dung from their enclosure or entering the forbidden forest with me to check for any rouge creatures...

The next rule is that I will expect you to try your hardest in my class if you do not, I will drop you from the subject. And lastly Is the rule of respect.

I believe respect is earned not given and therefore you may call me Kai until you feel that I have earned your respect but the same is mutual. If you have earned my respect you may request anything from me that is in my power. Be it a raise in your final grade or a month's-long exemption from homework, it may also be a piece of obscure information.

But this is an extremely hard thing to achieve, almost nobody has had the honour of receiving my respect. So I expect you to work hard. Many of you are probably laughing at my words but I would like you to take them to heart.

Before joining Hogwarts I was a branch master of the Dark Lords' Court. I have successfully fought and studied many magical occurrences. Therefore I suggest once again that you work hard.