Andre shot Quinn

He was in a very sorry state; his eyes were sunken as if he didn't have a wink of sleep for years; he walked soullessly like a zombie.

It was 10 am, time for breakfast. Since packing was over, Helena called everyone for breakfast. When the old man heard the word breakfast, he started to shiver and then he tried to escape but was eventually caught by Andre, who was already prepared.

Everyone was sitting in the dining table just like yesterday. Emma served breakfast in the same efficient manner. Unlike dinner was only Blake had a bowl this time everyone was given bowls, then Emma came in with the same vessel but the soup this time it looked very appetizing and smelled heavenly.

Seeing the soup everyone let out a small sigh, Blake laughed patted his stomach. The soup tasted heavenly, and after going through hell, anything would be blissful much less such a delicious soup.

After the breakfast Andre took Quinn and went outside to the lawn. There Andre took out a small parcel, it just appeared in his hands. Andre opened the package and picked a little gun from it. It was too small and made out of plastic-like material which gave a toy gun like feeling.

With the toy gun in his hand, he pulled Quinn's left-hand who was standing in front of him. He pressed the gun's nozzle on Quinn's wrist, and before Quinn could ask anything, he pulled the trigger. A grey light shot from the gun and pierced through Quinn's hand.

Quinn felt a sudden pain in his wrist and the pain slowly spread all over his body. Quinn felt his body temperature rising as though he had a fever before fainting.

Andre caught him before he fell on the ground and carried him back to the house and made his way to Quinn's room and placed Quinn on his bed and covered him with a blanket.

Afterwards, he soundlessly came out of the room and closed the door carefully. There Blake and Helena were waiting for him. Helena then anxiously asked

"Was it successful?" Then Blake and Helena looked at Andre for an answer.

"Don't worry, it's successful. The chance of failing is very less and with me around do you really have to ask such a silly question." Andre felt wronged as though his wife was suspecting capabilities.

"Dear don't get angry it's just my concern if the implant had any problem then it will cause Quinn many difficulties." Helena apologized, and Blake didn't even bother to respond to Andre question.

"Whatever" Andre felt defeated and shook his head. Helena was happily smiling while Blake returned to his room without any worry.


At the same time, Quinn's body was going through many changes; first it warmed up then it became cold, and finally, it returned to a stable condition. Meanwhile, in Quinn's brain, a small chip appeared.

Then after few hours, Quinn woke up, he thoroughly confused as his father shot his with a gun in his hands and then he fainted. Now he was sleeping in his bed. He felt like all these were a dream.

Thus he checked his left-hand wrist and saw a blackish-red mark. It was a very small 2cmX2cm. There were no words or letters in it only the simple red dot. When he was trying to figure out what it was, a sudden voice was heard in his brain. It was as though it originated from his brain.

[Host, it's been a while how were you faring.] It was a very familiar voice.

[Host, don't get confused; it's me Elgar- the Zenith box's soul I'm now in your brain.] Quinn was further confused after knowing it was Elgar. Then he realized that Elgar was really inside his brain, as he could hear his sound inside his mind, so he panicked.

"Elgar how in the hell did you enter my brain."

This was the only thing he was concerned about. He has heard many terrible instances were deadly worms going to human brains through the ears and other such awful stuff.

Whenever he thought of these things, a shiver goes down his spine. He really didn't want a worm in his head.

[Host actually I'm not inside your head instead a chip is inside your head. It's just that your dad injected a personal implant with an advanced A.I. taking this opportunity I erased the pre-programmed A.I and replaced it.]

[Host Zenith box is still in shut-down. Initially, I thought I have to wait till you start the Zenith box, but it seems like there are many new inventions after the accident.]

[Through the personal implant, I could communicate without even coming to Zenith box.]

It took a while for Quinn digest all these shocks. Quinn was pleasantly surprised to find that Elgar will accompany him from now on. He was even more surprised to discover that he got himself a Personal Implant.

"Elgar first stop calling Host this and Host that, just call me Bro or Quinn or whatever you are comfortable with." Quinn had always wanted to change the way Elgar addressed him as he felt Elgar was similar to his subordinates in his past life.

What Quinn really wanted was friends and brothers. So he decided to make Elgar his first friend.

Elgar felt touched hearing what Quinn said, and then he decided to take Quinn as his boss. Though Elgar has a soul and is different from tool spirit or an A.I. he still did the same job. So he was conscientious when dealing with Quinn as he was his master.

[Host this will be the last time call you this. From here onwards I will only refer to you as boss are you Okay with Host.]

So long as Elgar accepted him as his friend, Quinn was fine with whatever way Elgar addressed him. In fact, Quinn was not new to this title, as he was also a Gang leader in Dark world in his previous life.

[Boss because I destroyed the pre-programmed A.I. and replaced it I must do all its work. The first duty of A.I. of a Personal Implant is to update. It is very especially important in my case as I was sent to void current after my birth.]

[So I will have to update, and it will usually take 1 month. See you later, boss.]

Quinn felt dumbfounded realizing that Elgar vanished again without asking his permission or discussing with him. After long consideration decided to let him do what he wanted as he didn't want to lose his first friend.

Then his attention turned over to the Personal Implant (P.I.). Actually, Quinn was very excited when Elgar informed him that his father has given him a P.I. after all he was still ignorant about this world's happenings and other info.

Though Andre did not give him any manual or user's guide for PI Quinn somehow felt that all needed to do was to think what he wants, and P.I. will execute it.

Suppose he wants to open his P.I. then all needed to do was to tell 'OPEN' in his mind and then it will automatically open. So he tried it, and it worked.