Vice Principal Albus

The next instant he teleported to Luminous Flaming Island, the island under Vice-principal Albus's jurisdiction. Ben didn't get permission or appointment, and he just barged into the class.

Albus was training the new teacher recruits; he was actually the recently promoted as Vice-Principal.

In Natal Dawn school there are only 13 of vice principal, only if one vice-principal dies or leaves or by any other means his post is vacated a new candidate will be elected. Albus took the mantle from Troy, Fran's master who left the school after Celia's death.

Though he has been promoted as vice principal, Albus willingly to charge of training the new recruits as the junior most vice principal.

Moreover, as he had the weakest influence amongst the Vice-Principals Albus was trying to garner these new recruit teachers into his wings to strengthen his authority.

Though there are few recruits with connection inside the school majority of them knew nothing about natal Dawn School so trying brainwash them might work.

Though other Vice-Principals were aware of his petty thoughts they chose to give a blind eye over the issue. So, Albus was trying to portray himself as a strong leader to pick a few followers among the recruits.

The recruits were only taken once in 10 years so he took lot of pains to cover his shallow foundation and tried to lure them into his wings. But all his efforts till date was waste was a mad a bull.

Ben didn't show any respect for Albus he just barged into the class and yelled.

"Cunning old cow I have found a student, he voluntarily accepted the Herculean Muscle Art. So enjoy your last few years as the Vice- Principal, hehehee"

Ben was happily scolding Albus without giving a pinch of respect for Vice Principal in front of the new teachers. In fact, Ben and Albus were old enemies and after the election for Vice Principal the enmity intensified.

Before leaving the Post Troy strongly recommended Ben, moreover Ben was the strongest amongst the candidates thus he was something like a seeded nominee.

But who would have taught Albus would pull such a dirty trick; he schemed and proposed a ban on 'Herculean Muscle Art' to the committee just before the election.

Actually Albus linage was the most affected party due to the accident of Herculean Muscle Art and thus he was in charge of recommending a proper remedy it.

Albus was like a cunning old fox that was biting his time for the appropriate opportunity to strike, and he finally used the vice-principal election.

So he attacked Ben's weakness and used devious schemes, forcing Ben to concede. Ben had to voluntarily withdraw from the election to change the ban on Herculean Muscle Art to a vicious restriction.

Although Ben lost to Albus because of his vicious schemes, no schemes and tricks can prevail over absolute strength. So Ben challenged Albus and defeated Albus fair and square.

Ben was like an enraged bear which tore apart anything on it way, so Albus lost miserably, thus Albus compromised to remove the restriction and resign his post if Ben were to find a student voluntarily take up Herculean Muscle Art and reach Complete mastery (stage 7).

Though Ben knew it was an unfair and could possibly be another trap he still had to rely on Albus to remove the restriction thus he was in fact forced to accept these terms.

Ben laid low and never fought with Albus after the duel, he would only frequently visit the committee to present his request on removal of the restriction on Herculean Muscle Art.

Not only did he trick Ben, Albus also hoodwinked many other candidates to make his way to become Vice-Principal like a worm.

Since he played his cards cleverly without breaking the rules none of them were able to accuse him for treachery. Everyone could only bite their teeth and mentally curse his deceitful bastard.

But in a place where strength is revered using schemes and plots to become a leader will always be looked down and loathed upon. Thus Albus became the most detested Vice-Principal in the history of Natal Dawn school.

Albus was stunned by Ben's sudden entrance, and when he realized that Ben has foiled all his plans Albus squished his eyes like a dangerous viper. Not only did he ruin his image, Ben also destroyed all his plans he painstakingly designed for attracting new followers.

Thinking all his hardships he went through Albus bad blood started to rush to his throat. But he quickly recovered and controlled his raging temper. Immediately he let out a sunny bright smile he laughed aloud, and then congratulated

"Ben, congratulations on finding a suitable disciple, after a long struggle it must have been hard. Finally, Herculean Muscle art is going to bloom in our school."

Though Albus was smiling and congratulating his eyes didn't contain any warmth.

Albus took the initiative to extend his hands to congratulate Ben; but Ben never responded. So Albus was in an awkward position hanging his hand in the empty air, while the other party had tied his hands on his back and looking at his like a clown.

"Bah, Albus I'm still wondering how could a person as shameless and hypocritical as you managed to become our school Vice- principal. Anyways thanks for your wonderful congratulation and wipe your neck clean and wait for my blade."

Then Ben ran from the classroom as if he was escaping a plague; he really felt disgusted just conversing with such a cunning and evil person. Albus didn't stop him he was mumbling something and planning counter action then Ben's voice resounded.

"Hey don't plan anything stupid, my student is in Dusty Zephyr Island so forget about harming him. If you ever try to intervene with his progress, then I will surly kill you and never even dream about hiding behind anyone."

The temperature of the room suddenly fell as Ben's warning was filled with ice cold killer-intend. Albus was sure that if anything were to happen to Ben's new discipline even if he wasn't involved he would be the one suffering.

While Albus was pondering the recruits were discussing about Ben. One of the recruit teachers was explaining the history of bad blood between Ben and Albus.

"Vice-principal Albus is the only person who continued hold the post even after losing the challenge, he actually the weakest Vice-Principal in fact even weaker than few teachers."

He was trying to impress the girl next to him with his knowledge, but he unwittingly glorified Ben at the end. Poor guy forgot that though Albus was very weak compared to other Vice-principal he was still far more powerful than these new recruits. Thus he paid the price for his ignorance and stupidity.

"Both of you are dismissed and today's class ends."

After that he suddenly vanished, only then did the teachers in class really understood the difference between them and a Vice Principal.

As for as the recruits who got punished their fate has been sealed and the guy sat as if he had lost his soul, while the girl who was implicated, gave the guy a tight slap before leaving the class.