The Power Temple (1)

While Lu Fang Xiu learned how to do the Water Mask. The emperor told his children about Lu Fang Xiu starting school.

«What are you saying, imperial father?!» Lu Lan Xia loves her youngest sister dearly, but so does the other siblings.

The one who cares for Lu Fang Xiu the most is the eldest and eighth son, Lu Xian Yun and Lu Han Chen.

«You can't send ninth meimei Xiu'er to school!» Lu Lin Ling is the one who visits Lu Fang Xiu the most since she doesn't have much work or business to attend to, the only school.

* Meimei (妹妹) - little sister

«I agree with seventh meimei Ling'er. Meimei Xiu'er's health and body won't handle it.» Lu Xian Yun had prepared more arguments, but the door suddenly opened.

«Father! I have learned Water Mask so that my face won't cause trouble at school...Oh, jiejies and geges are here.» Her face lit up. She curtsies.

* Gege (哥哥) - literally 'older brother,' also used as an affectionate address to refer to slightly older males that the speaker knows well, even if there is no familial relation.

«Greeting father, jiejies and geges!» They look dumbfounded but quickly smiled. «Ninth meimei Xiu'er, what did you mean by Water Mask?» Lu Fang Xiu smile.

«Father, I thought that my face and eyes would cause trouble for my geges and jiejies at school, so I learned how to make me look ordinary. Look!» Lu Fang Xiu took off her veil and did what she learned.

Her face didn't get completely ordinary, but at least 90% of her beauty was covered.

Now she was just as pretty and delicate as any rare beauty in the city. Everyone was shocked that their little Xiu'er had learned such a difficult thing.

«When did Xiu'er start practicing?» Lu Fang Xiu sighed. «It took so long...I had to practice for one and a half hour before I got this far, but Shun'er said that if eldest brother's Master knew about it he would vomit blood. What do you think?»

Lu Gang Qiang and his children almost vomited blood themselves. Normally you had to try for three years to actually get something on your face for cover.

Lu Gang Qiang stare at Lu Fang Xiu and thought about something. «Someone get the power sphere!» The servants outside heard and they heard footsteps run away.

Soon the footsteps were heard and the servant carried a box. Inside the box is a glass sphere. It is transparent and clean. As if it was polished every single day.

Lu Fang Xiu stared at the sphere and gave Lu Gang Qiang a questioning look. Lu Gang Qiang smiled and began to explain.

«Xiu'er, this is a power sphere. It shows how much internal energy a person has and other powers. We did want to test you when you were 7 like other children, but we were afraid your body and spirit couldn't handle it. Now that you have grown up we can finally test it, but don't be sad if the results are bad.» Lu Fang Xiu nod. She then touches the sphere.

The sphere begins to get black, but suddenly it began to crack. Soon it shattered into pieces.

Everyone in the room was in shock except for Lu Fang Xiu since she didn't know if that was supposed to happen or not.

«I-I'm sorry, Xiu'er broke it. Please don't be angry at Xiu'er.» She looks down. Lu Gang Qiang got out of the shock and stare at Lu Fang Xiu.

«I am not mad at you Xiu'er, but we have to go to the Power Temple.» She nod and everyone had gotten out of their shock.

«Han Xi, get the carriage ready. Fu Shun gets Xiu'er ready and she has to put on a veil to hide her face. Not the Water Mask. She is not allowed to use it since the Power Temple is surrounded by waterfalls and water matrix.»

Fu Shun who was just outside the door nod and Lu Fang Xiu walk out of the study and to her room followed by Fu Shun.

When they get to her room, Fu Shun tells Kun Ju the emperor's orders. She nods and begins to get Lu Fang Xiu ready. Kun Ju is her other personal servant and guard, just like Fu Shun.

Both Fu Shun and Kun Ju are loyal to Lu Fang Xiu, but Kun Ju was in the capital to get herbs and medicins when the old Lu Fang Xiu died.

«This nubi is asking princess for forgiveness for not being with the princess on her near-death-experience. Please punish this lowly nubi.»

* Nubi means lowly servant or slave

Lu Fang Xiu stare at the kneeling female servant. «You didn't do anything wrong. You did your job. Now stop kneeling. You have to help me get dressed.»

Kun Ju was surprised by Lu Fang Xiu's tone and behavior. Usually, she would keep on saying that it wasn't Kun Ju's fault and apologize for getting her worried.

Kun Ju just nods and begin to find appropriating garments and put up Lu Fang Xiu's hair. She found a peach-colored veil that matched her hanfu.

When she was done, Kun Ju opened the door for Lu Fang Xiu and walked her with Fu Shun to the carriage.

Lu Gang Qiang waited for them and helped Lu Fang Xiu in the carriage before going in himself. They left with at least ten guards plus Kun Ju and Fu Shun.

On their way to the Power Temple, Lu Gang Qiang tried to estimate what level his daughter's spiritual powers were on, but he did it in vain as he didn't get anywhere. He gave up and stared at the scenery passing by.

As for Lu Fang Xiu. She knew her father had tried to check her spiritual power level, but she also knew that he wouldn't be able to.

Since it was impossible to get through her barrier. In her past, no one had managed to destroy or read her mind or soul.

Lu Fang Xiu stare at the scenery and try to contact her soul friend, but he still won't answer. She sighs inside and continues to stare at the scenery.

«Xiu'er, it will take us at least three days to get there. So remember to sleep and rest.» She gives a slight nod and the silence that came were surprisingly comfortable.

Not long after Lu Fang Xiu fell asleep. Her head leaned against the carriage wall. Lu Gang Qiang stared at his daughter. Even with the veil, she looked like his late wife.

The empress, Lu Fang Juan or Bai Fang Juan were the most beautiful and powerful female in this country. She was perfect, but her health was not on top.

She may have been powerful, but it had its prize. Her body got weaker and weaker as the years passed. It was she who wanted the emperor to take concubines and a consort. So the empire had a future.

He agreed at last, but against all odds, the empress finally got a child, but the prize was too cruel. She died right after Lu Gang Qiang got the baby to laugh.

The country mourned over the empress's death. Everyone loved her, even Lu Luo Liqui's mother loved her. The reason she despises Lu Fang Xiu is because she blames her for the empress's death.

It soon became midnight and the emperor ordered the servants and guards to set up the tents and make a fire.

He looked at Lu Fang Xiu and ordered Fu Shun to carry her to her tent. Her tent was the first one that was set up and her bed was in the middle.

Fu Shun carried her to the bed and pulled the cover over her. Kun Lu took out the hair ornaments carefully.

What either of them knew was that Lu Fang Xiu was already awake since she had lived as an assassin. She had never been fully asleep. She was always at least 30% awake.

After they had finished, they got out of the tent and went to their own which was on each side of Lu Fang Xiu's tent.