The Jade Academy (1)

Four days later they are back in the capital. They left after a days rest at the Power Temple. When they got back, all the emperor's children were waiting for them.

«Geges and jiejies!» Lu Fang Xiu didn't like to act in front of her "family", but she didn't want to be too different from the original owner of the body either.

Their Lu Fang Xiu is gone and a new one has taken her place. If they knew, they would surely be heartbroken.

Lu Fang Xiu with Li Yin in her arms, get down from the carriage with help from Kun Ju. «What are you doing here?» Lu Gang Qiang get off the carriage and get looks from his children.

He sighs and make sign for them to follow him, but not before sending Lu Fang Xiu and her servants to the Àomì palace.

«I have decided which class she shall begin in.» His children are waiting for his answer. «She will attend the SS class.»

All of them were shocked. Shocked that their father decided that she would attend the special class. «But imperial father. Why?»

Lu Xian Yun stares at the ground. If eyes could destroy, the floor would have been gone a long time ago.

«Yun'er please take care of her in class. And all of you look after her. Even if she is wearing a veil, we never know when someone wants to look at her.» They nod and walk back to their palaces.

At the Àomì palace, Lu Fang Xiu was reading the cultivation books and herb books. She still didn't understand.

Why is her cultivation rank Grand Wizard and second step! It was just impossible! It takes at least 10 years to become a Grand Wizard. Not two hours!

«Master, why do you worry about it? Isn't being a genius your thing?» Li Yin looks at Lu Fang Xiu. She was surprised that she forgot about that. In her past life, she was indeed a genius among geniuses.

She was skilled in everything she did. From sewing to swordsmanship. She could do anything. And she was a gorgeous woman in her past life too. The only flaw was her coldness and height. She was taller than most guys and that made them back away.

«You're right. I should be used to it. I wasn't called The Goddess Of Life and Death for nothing. Instead of thinking about it. I should just become stronger to do this person's requests.»

The determination in her eyes was something Li Yin always admired. She always did what she said and never backed down.

She told Kun Ju and Fu Shun that no one was allowed to visit her unless it was important. They were guarding her room while Lu Fang Xiu cultivated.

Lu Fang Xiu decided to cultivate through the entire night so she could try and see if her body got stronger. She sat in lotus position on her bed while Li Yin slept on the silk pillow.

Lu Fang Xiu closed her eyes and relax. She can feel the qi around her and just like last time it speeds towards her. She can feel the breakthrough coming closer, but it's not as fast like before.

When the entire night had passed she was still a Grand Wizard, but now she was at the ninth step. «Really? I am almost breaking through, but because of school, I have to wait. This is really disappointing, ah!»

Lu Fang Xiu stand up and stretch. She woke Li Yin up and decided to take a bath before going to school. She would be taking the same carriage as her siblings.

She opens her door and looks at her two personal servants. They bow and stand up waiting for orders. «Ju'er, Shun'er I want to take a bath before school.» They both nod. Fu Shun calls two maids and told them to get a bath ready.

Kun Ju got a green hanfu with lotus pattern and a green veil that match and put it on the bed ready for use. Kun Ju and Fu Shun waited for Lu Fang Xiu outside her room.

Lu Fang Xiu washed her body and hair. When she was done and had dried herself. She brushed her long hair. She walked to her room with a maid beside her.

The maid left when they got to her room. Fu Shun and Kun Ju hurriedly dressed Lu Fang Xiu and tied her hair. Kun Ju braided in a green silk ribbon and put on the veil.

Lu Fang Xiu put some silver needles hidden in her hair and sleeves. When they were done they followed her to the carriage.

«Ju'er, Shun'er I want you to guard me against the distance. I already have my elder brothers and sisters to protect me. I want you to come when I need you. I have already talked to father so you don't need to worry.»

Fu Shun and Kun Ju nod and help Lu Fang Xiu and Li Yin to the second carriage. There were two carriages. Lu Fang Xiu, Lu Xian Yun, Lu Han Chen and Lu Lan Xia were in the second carriage while Lu Luo Liqiu, Lu Xi Jun, Lu Lin Ling, Lu Xu Yuan and Lu Xue Zhihao were in the first carriage. Lu Luo Liqiu wasn't there since she had been grounded for a month.

«Good morning Yun gege, Chen gege and Xia jiejie.» They smile at the sight of their dear sister. «Good morning meimei Xiu'er.» Lu Lan Xia sat next to Lu Fang Xiu.

Either of the other siblings wore a veil. Only Lu Fang Xiu. She was too beautiful and they were afraid that someone would try to hurt her.

«I have been meaning to ask you meimei Xiu'er, but what is it that you're petting?» Lu Han Chen looked at Li Yin. Li Yin opened his eyes and looked back. It surprised them. Its eye color was the same as Lu Fang Xiu's.

«This is Li Yin. He saved me from a scorpion on our way to the Power Temple. I got permission from father to keep him.» Lu Fang Xiu pulled her veil to the side and smiled a dazzling smile.

They smiled with her, happy that she was happy. It was not long till they were there. Lu Fang Xiu put back the veil and waited for her turn to go off.

In the school. The students were already crowding to greet the princesses and princes. They were whispering and talking about the princesses and princes of the imperial family.

What surprised them was that the princesses and princes didn't immediately walk straight to the school building, but instead waited.

When Lu Xian Yun got off, all the known children of the emperor were there. Lu Xian Yun held out his hand to the carriage. The students were curious and stared at the hand.

A small, silk, jade-like hand reached out to it. All the students stare at the person walking with grace out of the carriage. The more shocking was the princesses and princes faces.

The princes and princesses were smiling affectionately at the person. «Did you see that?! The Seven Ice Princesses and Princes are smiling!» The whispering continued. They forgot about the second princess, Lu Luo Liqiu.

Lu Fang Xiu looked at the enormous school. It was much bigger than her palace. The crowd of students stared at her making her a little bit uncomfortable.

«What do you think ninth meimei?» The students around them were so shocked that they froze swallowing what he just said. Ninth meimei?!