Chapter 139 : One Blow


A deep voice rang in Arthur's ears just before the Golem was going to launch the second phase of its attack. The voice contained a hint of surprise and anger.

As per Arthur's orders, the Golem put its hammer down but it didn't back away or dispel the lightning for it was not ordered to.

With his arms still folded and a cold smirk hanging on his face, Arthur looked up to the World Tree and asked

"Why should I stop?"


Hearing no reply, Arthur just shrugged his shoulders and ordered the Golem to keep advancing which it did but after only one step, it was once again stopped by the mysterious voice.

"... It is useless to fight. What you are seeking is not here."

"And who are you to know what I'm seeking? Even a God can't so what makes you so sure about my goal for coming here?"

".... Nonetheless, battling here and ruining this precious land is not worth it. Turn around and leave."

"What if I don't leave?"