Chapter 250 : Departure

When the atmosphere started turning a bit awkward, the copy raised one finger and stated:

"I can give you a small space to do whatever you want with but there's a condition attached to it."

With a casual tone and the same smile on his face, he gazed at Lolitta, who forgot what just happened a second ago and looked at him with expectations as she continuously nodded her head in approval.

The copy had a face similar to the people who just tricked little kids into doing something, he chuckled and resumed:

"Give me the core of the previous AI. I know that the system deleted it but seeing how smart you are, I'm sure you've managed to secure a backup core? Isn't that right, Miss Meredith~~?"

The girl's eyes widened when she heard him. She slowly closed them as she struggled into making a decision, finally, her urge to build a suitable pink room for herself right now won over the so little loyalty she had to the System.