Backed Thunder Centipede VS Purple Metal Scorpion

Gao Peng bent over and patted Da Zi on the head. "Do you see that? Later on, take note of that scorpion…"

But very quickly, he noticed that there was something wrong. Da Zi was staring intently at the Dragon Chicken instead. It was on the verge of drooling.

Gao Peng gave Da Zi a good knock on the head. "I'm not telling you to look at the Dragon Chicken, I'm telling you to watch the Purple Metal Scorpion! Take note of its attack patterns. Later on, I'll be sending you up to fight."

Da Zi tilted its head to look at its master, then nodded.

The Purple Metal Scorpion was extremely fast. In a flash, it charged up to the Dragon Chicken, snapping viciously with its pair of pincers.

The Dragon Chicken's reaction speed was even faster. Using its strong legs, it leaped into the air, evading the scorpion's pincers.

But the moment the Dragon Chicken jumped, the Purple Metal Scorpion's long tail shot out like an arrow!