Responsibility of the Citizen

"You're 18 years old. Don't go looking for fights," Gao Peng said, trying to persuade them earnestly.

"Relax, we know how to control ourselves. We'll only break a few bones," The youth in the lead said. He wore a red jacket and chewed bubblegum as he chuckled coldly.

"Big bro, the hooded monster behind him sure looks familiar," someone suddenly said.

"Seems familiar my a*s, it's clearly the prideful monster we saw before," the red-jacket youth said seriously. "But there's no problem! We have four whole familiars after all."

It looked scary, but the youth figured it could easily be a wax spear coated in silver. They've seen several monsters like that. But they did not have Gao Peng's ability, and they were also not experienced monster trainers who could determine a monster's level through minute details via their experience.