Underground Sewer

The Southern Sky Group had a few factories that were used to manufacture various kinds of products.

Moreover, the manufactured products were mostly equipment for familiars' basic training, which was also a very popular type of product. A large amount of finished product would be produced daily before being transported to large shops in each city.

The amount of the product that Gao Peng used was so little compared to the daily output of the entire factory that it was negligible.

At night, Gao Peng looked down on a Blood Scavenger Rat, a tiny, dirty-looking fellow.

"Wash it." Gao Peng pointed at the water tap on the side of the training ground.

Li Junzong hesitated a little, then grabbed the Blood Scavenger Rat and headed towards the water tap. He took the hose that was wrapped around the water tap down and washed the Blood Scavenger Rat.