Permanent Spatial Rift

Akil patted the falcon on its head. "Fly higher."

For some unknown reason, he felt a premonition of danger within his heart.

The falcon flapped its wings to fly higher. Suddenly the sound of hooves below them became more rapid and drew closer to them.

Not good!

Akil's pupils suddenly shrank.

Reflected in his eyes was a black figure breaking out of the dark fog, leaping out like a burst of lightning, becoming larger and larger rapidly in front of his eyes.

Roar!!! The creature's thunderous cry sounded like it came from a devil from the depths of hell.

The image of a black blade cut through everything.


In the air, both human and falcon were cut in two, right down the middle. Innards and blood splattered down like rain.


The body of a dark figure landed firmly on the ground, making a dull thud as it landed.