Earth Shield Spider

"Is this our child?" asked the Adamantine Duck from the left.

"Yes, it is. Look at how big its eyes are," the Adamantine Duck on the right replied, nodding.

Then their faces froze, as if they had just seen something horrifying.

Even with his human eyes, Gao Peng could see the fear on their faces.

"It has five toes! What a ghastly thing!" the Adamantine Duck on the left cried out.

The duck on the right widened its eyes and began shouting angrily.

The two then began quarrelling. The duck on the left wanted to dispose of their newborn, but the duck on the right stubbornly refused.

Half a month later, the duckling's siblings hatched from their eggs.

The siblings, too, gave the first duckling no relief from the stress.

It was, after all, a five-toed freak. It would usually be forced to eat the leftovers left by its brothers and sisters.