A Happy Accident

Seeing how quickly Dumby had leveled up, Gao Peng suddenly had an idea to help it level up even more.

If I can pull this off, Dumby may be able to gain a couple more levels very quickly...

"We better leave now. There's a Mountain Spirit living in this area... Right now, we humans aren't exactly on good terms with its kind. It would be best if we stayed out of their... Damn it," cursed Uncle Liu under his breath.

A low rumbling sound echoed in the distance. The ground began shaking violently, as if a herd of horses was now stampeding towards them.

Gao Peng looked down and saw the pebbles on the ground rattling around his feet.

"Let's go!" said Uncle Liu hurriedly.

The Blood Eye Whisker Vulture spread out its wings and lowered its body, letting Gao Peng ride on its back.

The Shadow Japalura lifted Dumby up and carried Uncle Liu on its back. Together, they flew up into the air.