The Kick

Ah!!" A shrill scream pierced through the silent night sky.

One of the girls who was standing near the edge of the rooftop immediately backed away from the creature, her face frozen in terror.

Gao Peng checked the creature's attributes.

[Monster Name]: Green Haunt

[Monster Level]: Level 20

[Monster Grade]: Normal

[Monster Attribute]: Ghost/Ghoul

[Monster Ability]: Illusion Level 1

[Monster Weakness]: Light/Holy/Electric

[Monster Status]: Healthy (Nervous)

[Special Characteristics]: It feeds off of fear. It can convert the fear of other living beings into Yin-type attacks.

The fact that Gao Peng could check its attributes must have meant that they were dealing with a monster.

They shouldn't have had too much trouble with it if they had treated it like any other monster and not some phantom that had once haunted superstitious minds in ancient times.