A Gamble

This seemed like a really primitive way to foster intimacy with one's familiar. It certainly had a Southeast Asian vibe to it.

Of course, it wasn't as immoral as one could imagine.

Gao Peng now knew the pros and cons of the 'adoption' ritual that Guo Qingshan had explained to him.

The downside to it was its high mortality rate. However, getting the chance to have a combat-ready familiar immediately outweighed the risks by far.

Under ordinary circumstances, one would usually sign a blood contract with a familiar when it was still in the early stages of cognitive development. The downside to this was that it would need time to develop into a fighting force to be reckoned with.

The Southeast Asian region's 'adoption' ritual was a way for trainers to immediately sign a blood contract with a fully matured familiar without having to go through the whole growing-up process.