Goldie's Gambling Adventure (2)

When Gao Peng returned to the mountain villa, the first thing he saw was a yellow bundle of feathers hurtling towards him. He was immediately flattened to the ground by an excited Goldie.

Gao Peng glared at the duck. "Do you still want your dried fish?!"

Goldie nodded furiously. "Yes!" it said excitedly.

Gao Peng got to his feet and brushed the dust off his pants, muttering irritably, "Come with me."

He then called Stripey over and got on its back. Along with Goldie, all three of them left the mountain villa. Ever since the match's results had been announced, Goldie had been in a constant state of excitement.

Ever since it had been a little duckling, Goldie had understood the fundamental fact of life that anything that was inside its bag belonged solely to it. By this logic, all the insects that could be found in the mountains didn't belong to it, as they could be eaten by other monsters at any time.