Sage King

The men in black all had a small black insignia on their sleeves. The insignia was crimson in the middle and embroidered in gold.

"They're with the Black Flags." Gao Peng could recognize them right away.

His grandfather had told him all about the various departments under the Allied Government, even the secret ones. The Black Flags were a secret unit under the Allied Government tasked with handling emergencies like these within the base cities.

With them were scores of jet-black hounds. Each of these hounds was easily 15 feet long and ten feet tall. Jutting out of each of their backs was an intimidating row of bone-like protrusions, which tented their skin like sheer arches.

Their obsidian fur had a glossy sheen to it, and their muscular limbs hinted at the incredible distances they could cover in a single bound.

[Monster Name]: Obsidian Hound

[Monster Level]: 23-35

[Monster Grade]: Normal (Elite)

[Monster Attribute]: Dark Type