Prosperity Mouse

The slightly oversized mouse squeaked indignantly in Dumby's hands as it scrabbled wildly in the air.

"What a pleasant surprise," Gao Peng said cheerfully as Dumby passed him the mouse.

Although the mouse looked tiny in Dumby's hands, it could barely fit in Gao Peng's.

It was actually the size of a cat. Its fur was raised stiffly, making it almost like a tiny porcupine. Staring ferociously at Gao Peng, it bit down hard.

A quick cuff from Gao Peng was enough to make the mouse see stars.

[Monster Name]: Prosperity Mouse

[Monster Grade]: Normal

[Monster Level]: 18

[Monster Attribute]: Mystic

[Monster Condition]: Healthy (Fearful)

[Ways of Evolving to Elite-grade]: 3

This little mouse had a very old-fashioned name. It's level wasn't very impressive, either. The only thing that caught Gao Peng's eye was the fact that it was a never-before-seen Mystic type.