White Jade

An enormous mushroom cloud rose on the horizon before Gao Peng.

His heart was now pounding hard against his chest. He couldn't believe that he had just witnessed a nuclear bomb detonate with his own eyes.

Before the Cataclysm, the nuclear bomb had been mankind's deadliest weapon.

This knowledge had been deeply ingrained inside humanity's subconscious since the weapon's conception. Nothing could compare to the sheer horror of one watching a nuclear bomb blowing up in front of him or her.

A white pillar of light pierced through the sky as a monstrous mushroom cloud slowly rose into the air.

The white light then gradually subsided, giving way to a murky shade of red, which made Gao Peng think of boiling lava.

White-gold rings of light spread out in the air from the center of the explosion.

The murky shade of red gradually dissolved inside the gray cloud.