Wings of Thunder

Needless to say, he couldn't just do away with these people. Humans had never been a particularly durable species; all it would take was a wound the size of a plate, yet the consequences of taking a human life and the resulting chain reaction would be far too severe.

In the end, these people were just his employees, not his personal slaves.

In the time it took Gao Peng to think, Da Zi and Dumby had arrived and, under his orders, gone off to provide aid at the last two gates.

Unlike the eastern gate, with its horde of water monsters, the western gate was plagued by a host of monsters that resembled six-legged turtles, with polished black shells that were covered in antler-like horns. Their tough, round craniums sported three eyes—one on each side of the head and one dead center between the eyebrows.