Ambergris Jade

Gao Peng's first reaction was to assume that the turtle had come to him since it was attracted by his own excellence.

This was what Gao Peng's first instincts told him—that the turtle had good judgment of character. Then Gao Peng contemplated whether he should accept it, as this was his second encounter with a mystic creature.

His first encounter with a mystic creature had been the Treasure Sniffing Rodent.

Oh… Gao Peng was suddenly reminded of something that he had forgotten!

He had left the Treasure Sniffing Rodent in the lab, forgotten and locked up in the office. He smacked his forehead lightly and promptly took out his phone.

Meanwhile, in the lab, Xu Qingzhi, who was dressed in a white lab coat, was putting food into a bowl. A light golden rodent the size of a fully grown cat was lying in front of her.