Changping Village

"This isn't bone ash, is it?" said Xu Heti, laughing uncertainly.

No matter how he looked at it, the stuff in the urn just looked like a pile of bone ash.

"It's not just bone ash. It's ash derived from the bones of Ghoul-type monsters," said Lin Xinrui matter-of-factly. She then opened the urn and began powdering her combat uniform with the urn's contents. She even put some on the backs of her hands and her cheeks.

Xu Heti's face spasmed as he did the same thing on his own body. Even if the ash wasn't human, it still gave him goosebumps.

Still, he rubbed the Ghoul powder across his body all the same.

They then applied the bone ash to some of their familiars. In doing so, they used up the two urns of bone ash in Lin Xinrui's backpack.

"Let's pick up the pace. The bone ash only lasts for four hours. When those four hours are up, it loses its effectiveness."