The Black Fog

The Baiye District was like cancer spreading in the middle of the city, rotting, crumbling, revolting.

As time passed, the district began to look even more out of place in the midst of all the development going on around it, like an old-timer who could no longer keep up with the times.

An iridescent flow of sludge flowed down the drains next to the roads, carrying pieces of garbage along with it. A putrid stench permeated the air.

"Ever since the appearance of the spatial rift, the smell in the Baiye District has grown worse," said a bespectacled civil servant in a worried tone.

"Worse how?" asked Gao Peng, who was looking around. He could feel that he was being watched through the cracks and windows on some of the buildings.

"It's just up ahead," said the civil servant quietly.

Up ahead was a roadblock blocking the road beyond.