Chuan Fu Base City

Now, the first obstacle in front of Gao Peng was to go across the world's highest peak, the Qingtian Plateau, also known as the roof of the world, and the world's first peak, Mount Everest. Of course, Everest could be avoided, but the detour would take more than 600 miles.

On the way, they would pass through the base city of Chuan Fu. The base city of Chuan Fu was a large-scale city in the southwest of the Huaxia District. It was also known as the land of Tianfu.

However, it was possible to rest a night in the base city of Chuan Fu. After staying in the wild for some time, Gao Peng kind of missed city life. In the Chuan Fu base city, a large number of yellow-haired scorpions had piled up like mountains in the center of the field. Their numbers were many, and they were densely packed.