The Six-Horned Dreadwolf

"No one's calling your bluff, friend," said Gao Peng as he approached the man from behind and gave him a pat on the shoulder.

"What the hell are you talking about? Don't think for a second that I'm afraid of eating my own familiar's sh*t!" said the man angrily.

Gao Peng simply chuckled. He was impressed by the man's stubbornness.

"There will be no sh*t-eating today. Besides, it's quite inauspicious to do such a thing on our first day of business," said Gao Peng reassuringly. "If you're interested, do stop by our store for a bit. All our familiars are big and strong. I'm sure we have something to your liking."

Hearing that he didn't have to go through the odious ordeal of eating his familiar's feces, the man sighed in relief. He had only said the things he said out of pride.

On the subject of owning a familiar, as a familiar was a companion for life. One always had to carefully consider one's options before coming to a decision.