One Single Punch

Overlooking from 16,000 feet above the ground, they saw a huge desert spanning across the earth with smoke signals rising to the sky. The yellow desert looked like a giant dragon laying flat on the ground. At the end of their sights, light yellow dust was rapidly rising from the desert.

"No." Gao Peng looked at the desert underneath his feet. However, he sighed in relief after failing to detect any attributes there. This would have made his plan tougher.

At least the Taklamakan Desert hadn't mutated into a monster. However, it would definitely require great effort to find out what was causing all this in such a big desert, which for sure couldn't be done within ten days or even half a year.

Looking down from the sky, the edge of the desert was like lake water during high tide, penetrating outwards slowly and soaking the sand, then engulfing it completely.