
In the Yinglie region, the Saint Tyr base city.

In the northern outskirts of the city stood a lonely, yet elegant-looking manor. This once magnificent building was now in ruins. Smoke and dust seemed to swirl eternally around it. Among the ruins, three massive monsters stood facing each other.

On the left side stood a green-grayish monster, as tall as a small hill. Deep grooves lined its skin from head to toe like a tree's growth rings. Its three eyeballs were embedded on its chest in a triangle. Vines spread out from its feet, squirming like earthworms in the mud. A green-gray aura emanated from its body.

Beside the behemoth stood a 30-foot-tall stone statue, which was slightly hunched over. Muscles rippled across its upper torso. It was also holding a stone torch in its right hand. Curiously enough, a fire was burning on the tip of said torch. The Lord-tier aura that surrounded the stone statue's body seemed to be comprised of red and white patterns.