The Wu Gorge's Twelve Peaks

"Why is the White Crocodile King here? Haven't we already given it this year's offering?" said the captain of the boat, his face going white.

Anyone who wished to travel across the river would have to pay a fee to its ruler for protection against turbulent currents and monster attacks. Even a ship made out of steel wouldn't be completely safe from the dangers that lurked in the river.

The White Crocodile King was the river's ruler. It had never caused an incident, at least not until that day.

"Sis, what is that? Why is it so big?" said the young girl, her face, too, going white. She was gripping tightly onto the railing. Then, as if not at all reassured by the cold hard metal, she turned around and held fast to her sister's arm.

Her sister seemed shaken as well. However, looking at the young girl's shivering form, she tried to put up a brave front. Holding the young girl's hand, she said, "Don't worry, I'm right here."