The Red-Skinned Pigmen of the Labyrinth

"I see..." said Gao Peng thoughtfully. He still found it hard to believe that there was a way for any monster to purify and awaken its bloodline. It was simply incredible. He just had to see it for himself...

If Da Zi found out about this, it would surely want a piece of it, as well! That greedy little rascal… Gao Peng couldn't help but smile at the thought of Da Zi at that moment.

He had no idea where Da Zi was right then. He only knew that it was still alive somewhere, judging from the fact that their Blood Contract was still intact. It might have been a slacker and a glutton at times, but Gao Peng had to admit that it had its cute side as well.

Back to the subject at hand, Gao Peng had never heard of such an incredible material. He had never even seen any mention of it in a monster's evolutionary route. It must have been some sort of evolutionary shortcut that defied all conventions in the realm of monster evolution.