Sixth Baby

Two minutes later, another little Dragon Ant staggered over with its feelers waving happily on its head, large watery eyes filled with innocence. 

One Adult Dragon Ant was confused, while another was just as stunned.

For humans, distinguishing the different types of monsters might have been difficult, but for a Dragon Ant, recognizing other Dragon Ants was akin to looking at a two or three-year-old child—it was extremely easy.

Where had this little fellow come from? One of the Dragon Ants even turned to scrutinize and sniff Fourth Baby. It was confused; this was the scent of an authentic Dragon Ant, not a pretense put up by other monsters.

Undeterred, Fourth Baby looked solemnly to the front, shifted its twelve legs in unison, and made a turn. It then bent its head and started chewing.