Burning Cave

The seaweed lay close to the black rocks, reaching outwards like countless snakes huffing and puffing. At a glance, the thick black hair seemed to be expanding at an exponential speed.

Hundreds of strands of seaweed wrapped themselves around Goldie's arms; it looked like brown hair that was alive. Goldie tugged hard, the seaweed unexpectedly tough. As Goldie struggled, it continued to tighten.

Because it was attacking with strangulation, Goldie's passive effect wasn't triggered. As time went by, its strength grew greater, and the mutated seaweed gradually tightened and left marks on Goldie's skin.

Goldie made a choking sound and struggled left and right several times, to no avail. As it wiggled its shoulders left and right, the seaweed became tighter and tighter.

It was now in a frustrating situation. It had power but was unable to release it. The seaweed wasn't exactly hard, but it was very resilient. As hard as Goldie tried, it couldn't break free.