
"That was our country's first encounter with monsterkind... Later on, we found out that there were also sightings of monsters in other countries.

"The USSR also had its fair share of monster encounters. They call these abominations 'demons.' As the USSR had more land than people at the time, its government was able to lock these demons away in Siberia. They were hunted down on a massive scale for experimentation, all in the name of creating the ultimate soldier...

"We also discovered something quite fascinating. The more ancient these monsters were, the higher their levels were. Conversely, the closer they are to the modern age, the lower their levels are, much like the wolves and tigers you see nowadays," said the old man, his lips moving tirelessly as he told Gao Peng secrets that were long buried in the annals of history.

Only a few were privy to these secrets, which had long been hidden from the human consciousness behind the mists of time.