Jiutian Shidi

The ghosts filled the sky and flew in all directions. Gao Peng and his entourage remained at Horse Face's feet and didn't dare to stray far.

Horse Face's strong and rough hoof was right before Gao Peng's eyes. Gray armor was wrapped around its legs, and only its black hooves were exposed. Its strong body possessed a terrifying amount of strength, as though its strong muscles could breathe!

Gao Peng saw Horse Face's back when he lifted his head. Its black mane was like hair falling behind its head, like a waterfall. It seemed to feel Gao Peng's gaze and turned its head to sweep its eyes over Gao Peng. Its blue pupils appeared to be able to see through Gao Peng and read his thoughts.

Gao Peng didn't speak. The others didn't dare speak either. Da Zi… gazed cautiously at Horse Face. It rubbed the ground lightly with its paw and then took two steps forward, subtly shielding Gao Peng.