The Divine Adamantine Tablet

Gao Peng had to admit that the things sold here seemed more impressive than what he could find outside the island. There was an exotic charm to some of them. Naturally, any of these shops would have to one-up everyone else in terms of how exotic their merchandise looked if they hoped to make a profit during the trade fair.

"These stalls were set up by people from the upper echelons of our tribe and others," explained Bai Yin in a low voice.

Gao Peng nodded. People bustled through the trade fair ceaselessly. Every stall was surrounded by a crowd of curious onlookers. The cacophony of people debating every aspect of the merchandise sold there filled the air.

"Dad, I want that familiar."

"All right, I'll buy it for you when you turn 18."

"You're still selling that? It's been standing there for half a year now…"

"Thing is, I don't think it's an ingredient. Looks more like someone carved it by themselves…"