But I’m a God

Crack. It was the sound of a shattering skull. The Mingyu Celestial Beast seemed to have heard this familiar sound, its eyes feverish. How many Quasi Gods had died at its hands?

In front of the Divine Artifact spear, the skull this creature took pride in wasn't much different from tofu. Time was the strongest attribute in this world!

The Mingyu Celestial Beast suddenly saw the Quasi God move before it. Is it my imagination? This is the power of time; who can break the Time Territory under this power?

It pushed harder with its right hand, but the platinum spear seemed to have hit something rigid and was unable to go any further.

"Hasn't your mother ever warned you, beware of male fish with gold teeth?" Fatty Big Sea's deep voice suddenly rang out.

What? The Mingyu Celestial Beast was blank for a moment. Wait, how can it speak? The Mingyu Celestial Beast snapped awake. It felt goosebumps break out on its back.