World Sea Violent Beast

Merging with two Familiars simultaneously is a new skill Gao Peng discovered after Dumby broke through God Tier.

This new ability allows Gao Peng to merge with two Familiars at the same time, with one Familiar as the primary and the other as the secondary.

Before the other Familiars condensed Godhoods, Gao Peng tried this ability too. Still, it didn't have an obvious promoting effect, only allowing the primary Familiar to increase slightly in elemental power. And because Dumby was the primary, the increase in energy was insignificant.

But after the other Familiars condensed Godhoods, Gao Peng tried this ability again and found its effects to be very perverse.

With what just happened as an example, when Gao Peng merged with both Dumby and Desolion, two extra Godhoods temporarily appeared on Dumby's God's Altar--Icy Godhood and Frost Godhood.

Not only that, Dumby's body could perfectly utilize the power of these two Godhoods.