
In a Typical Sunny day morning, where chirping of birds could be heard, cats and dogs could be seen lazing around the streets, and youths of both genders wearing school uniform busy chatting and laughing on their way to school.

In that group, a youth around the age of 15 was seemed to attracting a lot of attention on his way. For Zhang Shui, this was just a normal occurrence in his everyday life.

Zhang Shui was extremely handsome and kind looking young man. He had short black hair and white skin tone with a little bit of tan, which made him especially handsome and attractive.

Zhang Shui, "What's wrong with these people"?

Today, he was attracting a lot more attention compared to other days. Because the group he was walking with was only of beautiful girls. Especially, the girl walking side by side with him, who was so beautiful which literally made the passer-by's comment like "what a beautiful couple". But the girl seemed immune to all the comments from outside but was actually quite embarrassed inside.

Xinyi Chang never thought her decision to walk with Zhang Shui to school would cause so much disturbance.

Zhang Shui seemed to notice a lot of attraction and jealousy from the boys of the same school. Even though he was quite popular with girls from his school but he never attracted hate from the boys, because of his kind-hearted nature. But today was an exception, so making him feel weird.

Because Xinyi is considered the School's Beauty and an Angel of the boy's heart. And today, the Angel is walking with someone, how they cannot hate him.

Xinyi Chang got acquainted with Zhang Shui by their parents as both of their families were rich and accompanying him to school was his mother's choice.

In School, Zhang Shui had only one or two classmates talk to him due to his introverted nature. But during the lunch, suddenly his classmates round him up and started asking him about Xinyi Chang and how he got accompanied with her.

Zhang Shui was shocked and at the same time was feeling happy. He never thought a day would come that his classmates taking initiative to become friends with him. He always wanted to have friends and to go to karaoke and game center like stuff with them. And today that happened.

Like that, a group of boys invited him to karaoke after 6 pm.

Zhang Shui thought, "Finally the start of good school days thanks to the girl Xinyi!" He was very excited that he finally got to make friends and changes in his lonely life.

So, he went quickly to the spot an hour before. As he was walking, he saw a beggar crying for food and was carrying a little child with him.

Zhang Shui, "What a pitiful child!" Zhang Shui was a kind boy and always eager to help the person in need. Seeing the child and the beggar made his heart sad.

Zhang Shui asked, "Hey old man, Is that your child"?

Beggar replied in a weak voice, "Yes!"

Zhang Shui bought a dozen snacks and drinks for the karaoke party and bought 1,000 dollars in his wallet. He thought of giving them to the beggar and some money to buy some milk for the child.

Zhang Shui quickly retrieved a 100 dollar note, "Hey old man keep the money and buy some milk for the child".

After that, he left.

The old man was stunned, he never saw a 100 dollar in his entire life. A hundred dollar can be considered a months' worth of good food and shelter for him. Look of greed appeared on the beggar's Eyes.

Suddenly, the Beggar said, "Young master! Please wait!"

As Zhang Shui turned around, he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his Abdomen. He saw the weak old man was making an ugly face and kept mumbling, "I am Sorry! I am Sorry! I'm Sorry!"

Confused, Zhang Shui looked down and saw a Rusty old Knife was stuck to his Abdomen. And the Blood keeps trickling from the knife.

The old man took Zhang Shui's wallet slowly and ran through the alley, even leaving the child behind. Zhang Shui then knew how cruel the old man was!

Zhang Shui's started regretting his decision and started mumbling to himself, "Why? Why? Why?" Is this how I get repaid for my kindness! Is there justice in this world!

Zhang Shui's conscience starting to fade away! He could hear the crying of a woman nearby and a voice of a middle-aged man trying to console her, who is trying hard to hide his emotions.

Doctor, "I am sorry, we could've saved him if the knife your son got stabbed with is normal. But the knife, killer used was totally Rusted and infected with the blood of rats, dogs and who's knows whatever. The infection totally spread over his wound to his heart and we've tried everything to save him but no avail. My condolences!

Zhang Shui's consciousness finally faded and died with loud crying sounds of both his parents.