
After familiarizing through the Yin-Yang Manual, Zhang Shui started rotating the Qi around his body.

The airflow around him slowly started to change, dense Spirit Qi thick as smoke gather all around him and started rotating in a circular motion.

The Spirit Qi was being refined into Yin and Yang Attribute Qi, the Yin Qi gathered half of his body and Yang Qi gathered on another half of his body.

After a minute, Zhang Shui felt something inside him opened. He felt a gush of Qi rushed inside his body. The gushing of Qi made him feeling refreshed and clear. He knew he broke through straight to Intermediate Spirit Attaining Stage. The cells in his body felt jubilant and he felt his senses been improved to a large degree.

He slowly opened his eyes, his right eye was like bright as a star and his left eye was like dark as a black hole. A contrast of both Light and Dark Aura spread on his body, radiating a might like a Supreme being descended on a lowly Realm.

Even Kanna and Mia felt the pressure of the Might of his Aura. They felt shocked and happy at the same time because they felt they're confident in him kept increasing. The also felt proud because they knew the might of his Aura can be comparable to the Immortal Stage Expert but he is still at Spirit Attaining Stage. The Might will also increase as his cultivation increases. They were surprised at his achievement because they never met a Yin-Yang Qi cultivator or have any knowledge about it, they could only vaguely explain him about it.


All around the world, a bunch of old fogeys suddenly felt a chill down their spine at the same time. What they felt was fear as they were going to fight a life and death battle against some supreme being.

Suddenly their Relay talisman kept ringing at the same time and the message stated for an Urgent Meeting of all Supreme Sovereign expert at the Soaring Dragon Clan. After getting the message, the bunch of old fogeys were jubilant and started tearing the Space and entered the Void for Space Teleportation as they reached above the Mighty Soaring Dragon Clan.

The Soaring Dragon Clan has been known as the Guardian Clan of their Planet Dracos. The Soaring Dragon Clan has been protecting the Dracos Planet for Millenniums against Foreign Invaders. They are considered as True Power of the Planet Dracos (where our MC currently lives).

The Soaring Dragon Clan was located on an Island hidden from all the continents. The Soaring Dragon clan did not have Majestic Buildings as they thought to be. It was full of Mountain Peaks everywhere. The Clan gathering hall was quite simple and the people of Soaring Dragon looked simple with normal attire but every single of their face revealed Majestic Intent filled with Pride.

The Soaring Dragon Island where the Soaring Dragon clan lives was well hidden and without the Soaring Dragon Clan Elder's permission, no one can even find the Island. Unless their Elder reveals the Coordinates not even a hundred Supreme Sovereign Experts searching for years can find this Island.

The Bunch of old fogeys who came here thought of finding Majestic Buildings and Arrogant people but to their surprise, everyone welcomed them amiably. Even the children from the clan started to jump on them and pulling their beards. This caused the old fogeys to be stunned and also felt happy. After nearing the clan gathering hall, an old man with a long beard shussed the kids away with a stick and welcomed them inside. As they followed him inside thinking that the old man was a servant of the Soaring Dragon clan. After walking inside they found a large hall or rather a stadium filled with people radiating their Powerful Might. They were stunned, a normal looking building suddenly changed into a large stadium can hold more than 100,000 people, after consideration, they found out that they were inside a Spirit treasure which was considered as a legend to them.

The Senile old man who invited them inside walked up to the Statue of a life like Four-Winged Dragon below which was a Majestic Seat belonging to the Patriarch of the Soaring Dragon Clan. The Old man went and sat on the seat and after looking at everyone, he asked them to sit down. The Old fogeys were stunned and were happy that they haven't offended him by treating as a servant.

After the Old man sat down, the noisy hall quietens down.

The Old man stood up looking at everyone and said "Everyone welcome to the Soaring Dragon Clan! As the Patriarch of the clan, I welcome everyone here! And everyone invited here knows the reason why you were here!"

"As everyone felt the presence of the birth of a supreme being which radiated all over our world! As an Old man who lived more than 10,000 years, I never felt anything like that. The Sheer terror of this presencw makes me feel unsettled until now. But the birth of this being is Good or Bad we don't know anything. If it is good then it's our luck, but if it is evil then we know what will happen! And at the same time, there is a threat of war from the devil's minions the Demi-humans! And we cannot afford to blind eye this time!" said the Old man in a serious tone.

"That's why I called everyone here! To find out more about that we had made a decision to perform a Divination!" said the old man.

After the Old man said about performing a divination caused a lot of people to chatter. Because they knew the cost to perform a divination and energy required for that.

Looking at them chatter, the old man said "I know what everyone is thinking! Please don't worry about the cost, we will take care of everything here! I just need everyone to insert your Sovereign Force in the statue" as he pointed at the Four-Winged Dragon behind him.

After talking to themselves they accepted. After hearing their reply the Old man said with a smile "Please everyone push your Sovereign force as much as you can when I say so! Is that clear!"

"Yes!" said everyone in unison.

After that four Old woman in a thick robe came below the Altar of the Four-Winged Dragon and Chanting something. A Glow started to spread among the Four wings of the Dragon statue which everyone felt soothing to their eyes. After that, the Old man shouted: " Start Injecting your Sovereign Force now!"

At the same time, everyone inside the hall released a mighty pressure enough to crush the whole Island. But everything seemed normal outside without any disturbance. The force started to push inside the statue which made the glow brighter and brighter which might cause eye blindness but they still without pausing they injected their Sovereign force.

After a bright flash, the four old woman near the altar chanting was thrown backward with a force which made them cough blood. As the stood up, they saw words started to appear on the Altar.

"Blood will flow as the Red Moon Rises

A Child with Peculiar Eyes will Rise

with a Sword on his one hand and Spear on another

Stained with the blood of Gods and Devils"

These were the words appeared on the Altar. The words caused a massive wave of shock to everyone present there. The term Gods and Devils were only a Myth But a Legend to the people at the peak of the cultivation stages in that world. Because they had some knowledge of the beings from the Upper Realm. But killing them what kind of a scenario is this.

Everyone here knows that the cause divination is for the terrifying being and divination should say only about the presence they felt. But the concept of killing Gods and Devils terrified them. They thought that everything is above them regarding the presence of the supreme being. Everyone here was thinking the same thing to not to offend a child with peculiar eyes and inform their clan of it because a single person's mistake can cause the destruction of the whole clan.

The Old man patriarch sighed and informed everyone " As you can see the being should still be a child within 16 years of age and the good news is that the divination hasn't mentioned anything about the danger to our Dracos planet, so we can relax. And the appearance of this child should be our good luck. If we can groom him then the threat to our planet can be removed once and for all! I don't care whichever clan finds him but if anyone offends him becomes the common enemy for the planet Dracos! Understood!"

"Yes!" replied everyone as they were running back to their clan to inform of this matter. As they were thinking if they were to find him and grope him into their clan, then their dream of Transcending to Upper Realm will not remain as a dream forever.

The Old man sighed looking at the bunch of old fogeys running with haste to their clans with a face full of spirits not behaving of their age.

He quickly sends a message from his talisman and to his reply, 10 people with full of vigor stood in front of him. He told them to find the child as explained from the prophecy and protect him in the dark.

In the group of 10, a beautiful girl looking at the age 21 to 26 with the voluptuous body can cause downfall to nation asked the Old man "But Isn't it good to recruit him to our clan before others find him"

The Old man didn't said anything and asked others to leave except for the girl and said " Qing'er! My grandchild do you think a person of that caliber can be groped into our clan! Do you think a clan from the lower Realms can contain him! He likes a dragon destined to fly above heavens! But you my grandchild are different! You were born with Phoenix Physique body and the only one from our clan to rise above this lower Realms to the fabled Upper Realm! At your age, you are at Sovereign King Stage which was unheard up till now! If you're real age known to outside world it will cause an earthquake to nations!"

"From now I just have one wish! That to marry you to the child! After that I can die happily!" said the Old man with a doting face. Qing'er face suddenly turned red and pouted.

"Grandpa! He's just a child, not even 16! I am 24 this year! How can I marry him!" said Qing'er while pouting.

"Haha! Don't worry, age doesn't mean anything to a cultivator like us! As for your grandmother was 900 years older than me! Didn't I marry her!" said the Old man and laughed.

Qing'er pouted and said "I'm not talking to you! I'm going to grandmother's and tell her everything you told me!" and ran away.

After knowing that Qing'er going to tell his wife about the age matter, a cold sweat starting to form on his head.


Far away in a room, Zhang Shui was oblivious to everything and was sitting near windows while humming as he was in a good mood due to his breakthrough.

Suddenly Kanna popped out and said " Someone performed a divination on you!" in a serious tone.

As he was in a happy mood replied " What! Who has the gall to perform a divination on me! I will crush their balls!"

"By the way! What is Divination!" said Zhang Shui while nearly made her fall from his shoulders.

Kanna sighed and explained "Divination is a self-induced prophecy! And the cost of this thing is huge! Divination needs the Sovereign force of Supreme Sovereign expert numbers in more than 1000! So do you now aware of this situation!"

"Whaaat.....!" Zhang Shui was absolutely shocked like a cold water suddenly thrown at him. He just started cultivation today and why did the peak experts from the whole world perform a divination on him. It just doesn't make any sense.


To Be Continued.