The Solution

Zhang Shi after hearing the story felt sorry for her. He then looked at Lingxin knowing her Dantian been crippled he felt sad for her at least her aunt only got her cultivation sealed. He then asked Kanna "Is there any way to help them?"

Kanna didn't reply instead popped up beside him giving a fright to both Lingxin and Fengxin.

"Wow! She's so cute! She is like a living doll!" exclaimed Lingxin. Fengxin also looked at her in amazement. Even though she had seen those geniuses who got assigned to an AI. But they never could compare to the beauty of this little girl and she can feel the aura and intelligence of the little girl to be much higher than those AI she saw before. Getting assigned to an AI means getting acknowledged by the Heavens and here looks like heavens do favour Zhang Shui much.

Kanna was at the size which can sit comfortably at his shoulders. She then jumped from his shoulders and she suddenly got big to the size of a normal 8 or 10-year-old. Fengxin was jaw dropped because she heard a legend that only those close daughters of Mother Saint can form and deform an external body at will. She never thought that someone like that would come close to her. What kind of existence is Mother Saint even God Kings would show respect when they see her and God-Kings are a legend to their Clan.

Kanna put her hand near Fengxin's belly where her Dantian is and checked with her Qi. And then she removed her hands and nodded to herself. She then got close to Lingxin and checked her with the same method. After finishing she returned to Zhang Shui's side. The Aunt and Niece pair were then staring at Zhang Shui with an expression asking what happened.

Zhang Shui asked Kanna "So what happened! What did you check?"

"I checked the Seal and Dantian condition on both!" she replied.

"And?" he asked.

"They can be cured and unsealed!" said Kanna indifferently.

Fengxin and Lingxin were both stunned. Her Dantian can be repaired she thought with an unbelievable expression and Fengxin was already crying tears not for her but for her Niece.

She always worried about her niece and now when she found a glimmer of hope she couldn't control her emotions. She didn't say anything, went near Zhang Shui and hugged him to her bosom. Zhang Shui was taken back by the soft sensation he felt on his head. As a virgin in both lives, Zhang Shui turned red like an alien. Watching him she also blushed and said "I'm Sorry! I was so happy that I couldn't control myself!" as she was still a virgin for more than 1000 years.

"No! It's okay!" he said while looking down.

Then silence prevailed for a minute, Lingxin who was watching from the sides couldn't help but feel little jealous asked "So! Are you going to stand like that forever!" with an irritated tone. Hearing her niece talk like that she blushed more.

Zhang Shui as a man thought that he should be the one to start " Where is little Bo'er?"

Lingxin replied, "He got tired from crying so he's still sleeping!"

Zhang Shui nodded and asked them to continue their conversation inside.

On the way, Zhang bought the pill to restore her crippled Dantian for 100,000 contribution points.

Getting inside he gave her the pill. Fengxin was again shocked by Zhang Shui. The Quality of the pill is considered as top class and he's giving them without batting an eye. She was now seriously considering his background.

But for her niece's future, she didn't reject the pill. As she was happy for her niece! Suddenly like a splash of cold water, Kanna spoke: "She can consume the pill but the excess amount of pure Qi released outside when consuming can even make the Supreme Sovereigns rush from their coffins!! And also a Peak Supreme Sovereign can extract the pill Qi from thousand miles apart when consumed; making the pill ineffective! Are you sure you want to do it "

Zhang Shui then asked, "If you knew then why didn't you say at first!" He was feeling sorry for destroying her hope.

"Wait I haven't finished!" said Kanna.

"When she is consuming she can have an Immortal expert protect her!" said Kanna.

"Are you talking about her Life Spirit Guardian?" asked Zhang Shui.

"No Idiot! Didn't I say the Life Spirits are stupids? How can they help her block the pill Qi from extraction?" she said.

"So do you think we have an Immortal expert around us?" said Zhang Shui.

"Yes! We do!" said Kanna

"Where?" he confusedly asked.

She then pointed her finger at Fengxin "If we unseal her, she will retain her cultivation!" she said while looking at Zhang Shui like an Idiot.

"Oh! Yes! I'm sorry! I totally forgot about that!" said Zhang Shui embarrassedly.

Fengxin knowing that she can get her cultivation unsealed she was ecstatic. Knowing that she can protect them from on now which she failed previously.

Zhang Shui was also curious to see how powerful an Upper Realm expert is! Looking at Zhang Shui staring at her she averted her while blushing a little. Guess she's still a little uncomfortable around him after the hugging.

"Tell us how to unseal her cultivation!" he asked Kanna while Fengxin also looked at Kanna expectantly.

"As I checked her sealing method it was quite a complicated process. We can undo the seal without affecting her Dantian by three methods!" she said.

"First, can unseal by the same person who sealed it in the first place! Secondly, finding a powerful expert than the person who performed the seal!" hearing Kanna's first two methods they got irritated and frowned because they knew it was not possible.

But after hearing her third method they literally shouted "Whaaaat?"

"You should copulate with Zhang Shui!" said Kanna indifferently.

Fengxin said flusteredly "What are you saying? What does unsealing my cultivation and having sex with him have to do with each other? while blushed red.

"The person who sealed you used a method of using your Qi against you. Your Immortal Qi acts as a power source for the sealing formation. You could break the seal by absorbing Qi from outside. But the problem is you need Qi purer than your Qi which already exists in your Dantian. In the whole Lower Realm, nobody exists having Qi purer than an Immortal cultivator! Except for Zhang Shui who has a kind of special Qi different from others! which is perfect for attacking the seal" said Kanna.

"Can't he sent his Qi via my body while touching my hands?" she asked while facing the ground.

"That's the problem! If he send's his Qi through direct contact you will die from exploding! Even a normal Immortal would get crippled not to say now you're a mere mortal without cultivation!" said Kanna. Even though Fengxin heard of some people having variant Qi's different from normal cultivators but she never heard of any Qi vigorous like that.

As Kanna knew what she was thinking she asked "Shu'er! Channel your Qi in your hands!" Zhang Shui didn't know why she was asking but still, he did that without asking.

As he was channeling his Qi in his hands. Fengxin and Lingxin felt a suffocating sensation. Even Zhang Shui never knew his Qi can be that dominating because he never used his Qi externally.

Fengxin then knew that Kanna wasn't lying. She can see how dominating the Qi was. She was now immune to the shocks that Zhang Shui gives. How can a guy be favored by heavens this much? This was the thought, going on her mind!

But after knowing that she has to copulate with him she was in a pinch. How could she do that? When her Niece also knows about that. How would she face her after this? Fengxin was thinking that she might be seen shameful in front of her beloved Niece. Even though a part of her was happy.

Looking at her aunt, Lingxin was jealous thinking why didn't that stupid Old man also sealed her cultivation instead of crippling it. He made an Oath that If she ever returns she would cripple the Great Elder. Fengxin was looking at her niece staring who was also staring at her with envy, she didn't know what to do.

But at the same time, she had a strange sense of satisfaction while looking at her niece's envious stare. She then scolded herself inside for behaving like this.

As everyone was not noticing Zhang Shui was nervous up to his legs were shaking a bit. Fengxin looked at his reaction and felt a little relaxed as she thought this might be his first time and as an elder, she should be the one who needs to take control. As the thought going on her minds she slapped herself with both hands "What am I thinking? He didn't even accept the proposal and I am even thinking of taking control! When did I become a pervert?" she thought and looked at him with little expectant in her eyes.

Zhang Shui looked at her at expectant eyes knew what her choice was. He felt like his head spinning of blood pressure rising to his head as a Two Times Virgin Champion. He then fell unconscious making the Fengxin and Lingxin stagger as they were thinking why he is the one acting like he has the one to lose something.

As Kanna read his memories and feelings she knew he might try suicide because of his pathetic action. So she made a new plan with Fengxin to execute it before he wakes up. Thinking that this might protect his manhood pride. And Fengxin strangely accepted without any thoughts.