Resuming Journey!

As the ladies were enjoying themselves in the kitchen preparing food, Zhang Shui knew it was his time to leave.

Kanna was shocked by his decision "Why do you want to leave? Couldn't you ask your wife to help your parents! It will be a piece of cake for her! And after saving them we could leave for the Upper Realm and there your cultivation would soar by leap and bounds! Why waste time here on this wastelands?"

"No!" he said strictly. "As a man, I can't allow that! If I can't even save my own parents by myself and ask my wife for help then I rather stop cultivating and live as a husband who hides behind his wife! What do you think will happen If I asked her for help now, I will get the impression that my wife is behind me and I will start to rely on her for everything! Do you think I can grow powerful by doing so! Don't you think it will be an insult to the gifts I got! Yin-Yang cultivator? A legend? No, I would only be a trash who relies on his wife!" said Zhang Shui seriously.

Kanna hearing this got sad "I'm sorry! I never thought about this?"

Seeing Kanna sad he patted her head and said "I'm not reprimanding you? I know you always think for the good of me! And I can't be thankful enough! I just don't want to be a failure in this life!"

Hearing him Kanna nodded and said "OK! I'll support whatever you decisions from on now!" feeling proud of Zhang Shui she said. From the start, when Zhang Shui was one year old she started taking the role as an elder sister and teaching him the correct ways in his life and now seeing him talk like this, she was really proud.

"NO! NO! I still want my elder sister who scolds me when I make a mistake and always thinks about what's good for me and makes decisions for me! And also the sister I love very much!" he said looking into her eyes.

Kanna hearing him, tears started to flow from her eyes. And then she cried loudly while hugging him. Zhang Shui was also touched by her actions and hugged her back.

After finished their sentiments, they smiled at each other. At the side, they found Mia also been crying and wiping her tears.

Zhang Shui looked at her smiled "Mia! Did you get touched looking at us both?" and then he laughed loudly feeling good at her pure heart.

"No! Stupid!" she shouted at Zhang Shui.

Zhang Shui was stunned why is she shouting at me angrily. Mia then said "Looking at you both showing love for each other! I am actually feeling very lonely! I am feeling like a third wheel between you both and feel like I am not needed at all! I hate this feeling, that's why I am crying!" and then she cried loudly.

Zhang Shui and Kanna looked at each other shocked. They never thought Mia would feel like this. Kanna then stomped Zhang Shui's feet and ran to Mia. Zhang Shui was screaming in pain while catching his feet. Even though he is in mental space, it is considered a real body projection and if he died in mental space then his real body will also die outside.

Kanna was busy calming her down and Zhang Shui also joined her "Mia! It's not like that! You're also an important family member to me!" and he said.

"Really" she replied.

"Yes! Really!" he said.

"I won't believe you! When you were busy hugging each other, you both totally forgot my existence! It was like I never exist!" said Mia while again crying. Which made Kanna glare at him for making things worse.

Zhang Shui then again said seriously "Mia! Look at me! Do you know, who is the person we love the most?"

"Who?" asked Mia looking little expectantly at Zhang Shui.

"Isn't that obvious? It's you! Do you know both Kanna and me think you ask our own little sister! Even though you're older than me, I will always love as my sweet little sister! And no one can replace that place! Isn't that right Kanna!" said Zhang Shui.

"Yes! It's true! No one can replace you as our little sister forever!" said Kanna.

Only after that a smiled formed on Mia's face. The smile was so cute nearly making him feel like the whole world is darker than her smile now. Kanna was also captivated by her pure innocent smile. She thought how stupid was she at the start, for thinking bad things about her. She felt Mia's smile was now holier than her Mother Saint.


Zhang Shui was now in the hall talking to Fengxin and Lingxin.

Zhang Shui said everything related to him and also about his parents and his choice.

At first, Lingxin said that she would help Zhang Shui parents but Fengxin stopped her. Because she knows how pride is important for her new husband as she said " Hubby! Don't worry! We won't involve in this matter! Since I am not powerful enough to face the Golden Crow clan alone, I am not planning to return to Upper Realm either!"

"I am planning to take them both to the Xia empire capital and wait for you there! And I feel little Bo'er can grow up there!" said Fengxin with a smile.

"And by the way, I am planning to follow you even after you die! And I don't want to leave both of them as orphans, so don't kill yourself!" she said with a smile full of love looking at her husband.

Hearing her, he was touched because he knew she wasn't kidding from her tone. Even though they only met for a couple of days, their love has now reached a stage where they cannot live without each other. He felt the bond between they grow closer and closer.

Surprisingly Ling'er didn't felt jealous after hearing their conversation as it was of pure love. She felt happy for her aunt and wanting to share the same love one day with him.

Lingxin then took little Bo'er to town for sightseeing and was planning to stay at the Inn for the night. She wanted to give them their night together before Zhang Shui leaves.

Fengxin then asked Zhang Shui to buy Dual Cultivation manual from the Store as she wanted this to be her gift for him. Zhang Shui also bought a manual for 10,000,000 contribution points as it was compelled by Kanna.

And for the whole night without any breaks both of them were indulging in pleasures. Zhang Shui and Feng'er both felt the results from the dual cultivating manual and then she knew her husband bought some top-tier manual which could even make top tier clans envy.

Both of them felt getting stronger and stronger during each session, Zhang Shui then made his breakthrough from Initial Foundation stage to Peak Foundation stage and he felt his Absolute Foundation has been half completed making him happy from cutting short the time for the torturous bath.

And Feng'er felt her Qi's getting purer and purer and forming an attribute for itself. She was shocked as she never thought having Dual Cultivation with her husbands has effects like this. If this ever known to the Upper Realm, people will flock to have sex with him. She felt that she should hide this from everyone. As she didn't want to share her husband with thousands of women! And at the same time, she was excited to see what her Qi attribute will form, as time will tell.

At the morning, Ling'er and Bo'er returned. Bo'er knowing that his Big brother is leaving he cried while gripping Zhang Shui's legs tightly.

Even after Feng'er reprimanding him he refused to obey. Without any choice, she made him sleep with her Qi. Ling'er was also looking at him with a sad expression as she wanted to go with him but her aunt ordered her not to. As she didn't want her to drag her husband's future down. And thus she could only accept.

Zhang Shui hugged Feng'er, as he was feeling her body warmth and to remember it when he missed her. Even though he knew that they will meet soon within a couple of years but for them, a couple of years felt like an eternity. He then kissed her lips tightly for the last time and returned to resume his journey. And tears started to fell from Fengxin's eyes looking at her husbands back fading.