Treasure Map?

With a pain in the neck, Zhang Shui woke up.

It was already night time and inside the cave, a small candlelight was flickering and lighting the cave. He found his Grandfather sitting on a rock while watching a ring as he was remembering something. He found the ring similar. He quickly found the ring on his finger was not there.

Seeing Zhang Shui wake up, his Grandfather looked at him with a complicated expression.

"You look like your father!" said Zhang Guofeng.

Zhang listened and didn't say anything, just kept his silence.

Zhang Guofeng looked at his grandson and laughed "Are you mad because I strangled you?" and said.

"No! I'm not! I just don't know what to say!" said Zhang Shui looking at his Grandfather.

"Looks like the stupid son of mine didn't teach proper manners to my Grandson! Little Brat, don't you know to pay respects when you meet your elders! Come on, kowtow to your Grandfather!" said the Oldman looking at Zhang Shui.

Zhang Shui got shocked by his total change over "Are you OK, Oldman! Did you got hit on your head while escaping! You nearly killed your grandson when you first met him and want him to kneel in front of you to pay respects!" said Zhang Shui while harrumphing.

Looking at his Grandson speaking without any respects Zhang Guofeng was dumbfounded.

"Little Brat! Is this how you talk to your grandfather! Looks like it's my son's mistake to not teach you any manners!" said Guofeng.

"No! My Great Grandfather's Son's was stupid that's why I don't know any manners!" said Zhang Shui.

"Huh!" he was confused at first and then he knew his grandson was mentioning about him "You!" the Oldman didn't know what to say. In his whole life, no one had ever talked to like that. No, there is one person and that person was his dead wife. He then found his grandson's way of talking kind of matches her.

"You why are you calling your grandfather a stupid?" said Guofeng.

"Humph! You still don't know! You are the reason that we are in this mess! If you had just thrown the stupid pill to the Ou clan, we would've been happy as a family! Now because of you, my parents got crippled and most of our clan people died and some went hiding don't know where and I also don't know where my parents went! Now tell me what wrong in calling you stupid" said Zhang Shui in anger.

Zhang Guofeng was gobsmacked looking at his grandson lashing out at him. But he couldn't find any words to refute him. He knew what his Grandson said was true because of his mistakes they were in this mess. If he hadn't participated on that stupid Quest to the Ruins he wouldn't have got to the position he's in now.

He sighed and said "I'm sorry! Because of my mistake, you all suffered!" as he felt down.

"No! I'm sorry for talking like this! I sure everybody knows what you did was for our clan's future in mind!" Zhang Shui said while feeling sad looking at his Grandfather.

Zhang Guofeng then looked at his grandson and changed the subject "Brat! How did you open the box in which your father kept the letter! I've read the content of this letter! I never thought your parents would get implicated even after I was careful not to leave any clues about you guys!" he said.

"Oldman! Didn't you know about privacy! Why did you go through my stuff without my permission!" said Zhang Shui.

"You! Why are still calling me an Oldman, not Grandfather!" said Guofeng feeling mad.

"Humph! Aren't you calling me a brat! You stop calling me that and I'll stop calling you an Oldman!" said Zhang Shui in a disgruntled manner.

"You Brat! It's my spatial ring you're wearing!" said Zhang Guofeng.

"Oh! But I don't care! If I am using it then it means its mine!" he said indifferently.

The Oldman didn't know what to say. He is getting reminded of his naggy old wife by the Brat's way of talking. He accepted defeat and sighed "Then why is only one pill is remaining! Did you sell it to someone and used the money to got to a brothel!" he said thinking of irritated his grandson.

"Nope! I ate it! And I already have a wife!" Zhang Shui said.

Zhang Guofeng staggered not because he told he ate it, but because he told he has a wife "Brat! Are you even 16! which little girl's life have you spoiled!"

Looking at his grandfather not caring about the pill he was confused.

"By the way Oldman my wife is more than thousand years Old! Not a little girl!" he said.

Suddenly Zhang Shui felt a chill down his spine like a predator is watching him after he mentioned his wife's age. After confirming there is no danger he thought it might be his imagination.

His Grandfather thought he's just joking with him and so he merely shook his head. And after that, he threw the ring to him.

Zhang Shui was confused to still find the pill inside the ring. He asked "Oldman! Don't you want to consume the pill! If you consume the pill you can breakthrough and help resolve our situation!"

"Just take it! I don't need it! It's not worth it!" said Zhang Guofeng.

"What? You're saying it's not worth it! Do you even know this pill is the reason why you lost your family, your clan and running as a fugitive?" hearing his grandfather, he lashed out.

Zhang Guofeng then looked at his Grandson with a complicated expression and said "Shu'er! Do you really think your Grandfather would put his whole family and clan in danger just because of a simple pill!"

Zhang Shui hearing his Grandfather he was stunned "What do you mean? Isn't because of this pill you've been running from Ou clan?" he asked.

"Humph! Ou clan, do you think the two bastards merely at Intermediate Sovereign Stage can defeat me? Even with their Heaven Tier treasures, they can nearly save themselves from getting killed by my sword!" he said arrogantly.

"But! Didn't the one injured you was them?" Zhang Shui said confusedly.

"No!" he said while thinking whether to reveal it or not.

He looked at his Grandpa's expression and knew that there's more to it than it seems.

"Grandpa! Please tell me! I am not a kid! I can help, really!" Zhang Shui said seriously while thinking inside that he's not good with people when they keep secrets from him. He would feel very uncomfortable when he knows someone not telling him secrets after hinting him that there is a secret.

After hearing his Grandson finally calling him Grandpa his heart finally melted.

His grandpa then took something out of his spatial ring, it was a jade box. He then opened the box and inside there was an Ancient looking Leather Map made from some kind of Animal Skin. The first thing came to his mind while looking at it was a Treasure map.

Looking at the map, it suddenly glowed when he came near it. Making his grandpa mumble in low voice "I knew it!" and he sighed.

Zhang Shui suddenly felt a sudden attraction to the Leather Map. His cells are literally screaming to steal the map away from his grandpa's hands.

But he controlled his emotions and asked "Kanna! What is that thing? Why do I feel an attraction to it?"

"I don't know! I feel a strange vibe coming from it! It kind of feels like its calling for you! But don't touch that thing before we can confirm its origin!" She said. Zhang Shui then nodded and looked at his grandpa.

"Granda? What is that thing? Where did you find it? Tell me! Quick!" he asked while shaking his grandpa's shoulders with both hands as he can't control his emotions.

His Granda then closed the box and put it inside his Spatial ring making his emotions return to normal.

He then looked at his grandson and fake sighed "My dear Grandson! You are not powerful enough to know the secret!" and said.

Zhang Shui was literally exploded in anger and thought "Why did he have to show me that in the first place and now refusing to telling me about it! Did he know my weakness to secrets and using it to make me mad!" "Ahhhh..." he shouted.

"You Stupid Oldman! Now tell me what it is and where do you get it now! Or I don't care, I will beat your Ass!" Zhang Shui said looking at him while releasing his Qi and also took the Assassin Sword to intimidate him.

Zhang Guofeng was stunned looking at his Grandson's sudden transformation, While its true that he found out his grandson's weakness to secrets and that he cannot sleep without knowing about it. He just wanted to enjoy a little bit by making him mad. But now looking at his grandson whose eyes literally changed having a peculiar feeling while looking at it and he doesn't know why he's feeling fear and danger to his life from his grandson who's only at Peak Foundation Stage. And the sword in his hands felt like a normal sword but he got a feel of absolute danger from it.

"Gulp!" "Grandson cool down! Don't need to get so mad! It's not good for your body! Come on sit! Your grandpa will tell everything!" Guofeng told him shamelessly. And Zhang Shui nodded and returned his weapons inside his Spatial Ring and waiting to get an explanation from his grandpa.

"Actually when your Grandpa was fighting with those Ou clan's Bastards, I was ambushed by some Spiritual Mental Art! That's why I lost to those bastards!" Zhang Guofeng said.

Hearing about Spiritual Mental Arts, Kanna was shocked.