Martial Arts Tournament!

"Knock! Knock!"

"Shu'er! Come out of your room!" Zhang Shui heard his mom calling from outside for him.

"Mom! What is it?" Zhang Shui asked looking at her.

"Do you even know what's happening outside? Everyone from the capital came to visit our clan, even the Emperor came! And here you are enjoying yourself with your wife!" she said in a dissatisfied manner.

Feng'er blushed at her Mother in law's Remark. "Both of you should come on outside and today we will introduce you to everyone and your wife too!" his mom said.

"OK, Mom! We will be there in a minute!" he said.


At the Banquet Hall,

The Emperor entered the hall making everyone in the hall to stand up in respect. Qing'er was still sitting on her seat watching the Emperor entering the hall with his whole family.

Behind the Emperor, his daughter Xia Maria was walking slowly while looking at everyone curiously.

The Emperor watched Qing'er sitting on the middle seat of the main hall and then he looked at the Oldman besides him and asked: "How is it?"

"She should be within 100 years Old and yet she reached Sovereign King stage! She's definitely from the Guardian clan! No doubt! But still having a genius at this level, the Guardian clan seems to be Mightier than we thought!" the Oldman said with an astonishment in his face.

The Emperor was stupefied hearing this. A Sovereign King at this young age, the Soaring Dragon clan sure is a behemoth as the history says. He then looked at the Crown Princess and said "Maria you should show your talents in front of the Big Sister and make her acknowledge your talents! OK!"

The Little girl nodded at her father and looked at Qing'er who's sitting at the middle seat.

The Emperor then took his daughter's hand and slowly reached where Qing'er is sitting.

The Emperor and the Crown Princess bowed lightly to Qing'er "I am the Emperor of this Xia Empire, Xia Gunther and this is my daughter Xia Maria! We greet the Mighty Soaring Dragon Clan and happy to welcome you to our continent!" and said.

The Oldman also bowed slightly to Qing'er showing his respects.

Qing'er smiled at them and said "Please rise! I am Long Qing, the Granddaughter of the current Patriarch of Soaring Dragon Clan!"

Surprised voices came from the crowd from the banquet hall. Because no one thought she would be the Granddaughter of the Patriarch of the Soaring Dragon Clan. Even the Emperor and the Oldman were surprised at her status. Previously they thought that It might be some elders came roaming the continent, but now they have to conduct themselves properly otherwise the whole Xia continent might be wiped out from the World map.

After that, an Elder from the Zhang Clan came and guided the Emperor and his companions to a separate seat to the left of Long Qing'er. The Emperor was happy about the seating arrangement as he could converse properly with Qing'er.

The Emperor looked at Qing'er and asked "Your Excellency! Can I know to what pleasure we owe that your Excellency has presented us with your Grace!" as he made his speech as polite as possible.

"Don't call me as your Excellency! I don't like it! Just call me as Young Miss or by my name!" she said.

"But how could we? we have to show you proper respect!" said the Emperor.

"Just call me as I said! Or don't talk to me at all!" she said plainly.

The Emperor was shocked by her humbleness. He then called "Young Miss! About your purpose of visit to our continent! he asked.

"What! Do you think I shouldn't visit your continent at all?" she asked him.

"NO! NO! I didn't mean that way! I am very sorry if Young Miss got offended by my speech!" he said while sweating.

Qing'er laughed looking at his expression and said "You don't have to be afraid! I'm just joking!" she said.

Only after that, the Emperor relaxed. But looking at her not answering his Question he kept himself from further asking any questions.

Then the Emperor introduced his daughter to her. Looking at the petite little Maria who looked like a doll made Qing'er wanting to pinch her cheeks.

Qing'er then took little Maria on to her laps and started playing with her.

Looking at the scene the Emperor and the Oldman were jubilant beyond words. The Oldman even started tearing at that scene. The Empress behind them were also excited, making the concubines behind them jealous and were thinking of sending their cute daughter near Qing'er.

But the Emperor knew that, as he glared at them making them lower their heads in defeat.

Qing'er also liked the little Maria who was a pure and innocent girl but her talents were good enough to join the Military school in her clan. The Military school of the Soaring Dragon Clan recruits young people for every 4 years from different continents into their school. As wars cannot be held without soldiers, commanders, and generals. And the Military school is divided into Normal, Genius, Elite and Super Elite. Looking at Maria who seemed to be 12 years old has already reached Initial Meridian Opening Stage and it could allow her to join the Elite group.

Because of Xia continent being secluded and undeveloped they don't even know about the recruitment going on. As Qing'er explained about the recruitment and about taking little Maria with her to join the Elite Military school.

The Emperor hearing her request nearly jumped out of his seat in excitement. Thinking about her daughter joining the Soaring Dragon clan how could he control his emotions as he cried tears in front of the whole crowd like a little child but nobody laughed at him as anyone would react same to a situation like that as some people there would even kill themselves for an opportunity for their children to enter the Guardian Clan.

Looking at the scene the people from other clan made their children to show their talents in front of Qing'er. As every young people in the Banquet were trying to show their skills, it suddenly became a circus which made Qing'er laugh helplessly.

After that Zhang clan patriarch came the Banquet hall with a loud laugh catching the attention of everyone. He then greeted the Emperor and the Oldman besides him. If this was before, the Emperor would only nod to his greeting but now he had to wake up and show the respect equally due to Qing'er being their guest.

Then the patriarch with his whole family came seated to the right position to Qing'er. Zhang Shui was also available there with 2 beautiful women beside them and the funny part is that he had little Bo'er in his hands. They looked like a family but Zhang Shui was only 14 years Old making the onlookers think of him as a playboy. But still, some people were tempted to marry their daughter to him. Because now the Zhangs had the support of the Guardian Clan and by tying their relations with them will be the same as being protected by the guardian clan.

Zhang Shui looked at the girls making flirtatious looks at him and even revealing their cleavages to tempt him made him laugh helplessly. Mainly Because his wife has been glaring at him from the sides.

Zhang Guofeng looked at the circus-like people showing their skills laughed and announced in a loud voice " Everyone lets relax for a second! I know everyone here are trying to show off their skills in front of the Mighty Soaring Dragon Clan. So let's conduct a Martial Arts Tournament now. In that tournament, the winner will win a Heaven tier Sword (stolen from Ou clan) as a prize. And you could also show your talents in front of the Soaring Dragon clan and you might get recruited into their clan!"

Hearing his announcement everyone started to cheer with excitement. Every Young man there can't help but clench their fist in confident to show off their talents.

Then he announced the Tournament rules " Only people below 30 can join the tournament! And killing is prohibited here! And the use of weapons is allowed!

"Father can I participate in that competition! Please!" little Maria asked her father.

The Emperor laughed happily and allowed her to join the contest.

"Papa! Are you going to join too!" asked little Bo'er. Bo'er after knowing the relationship between him and Feng'er started to call him as a dad. Looking at a 4 years Old calling 14 years Old as papa made everyone laugh at him. At first, he was embarrassed but after that he accepted him calling that.

Zhang Shui's mom looked at Bo'er and took him in her lap and said "Little Bo'er! Do want to see your father fight?" He nodded with excitement. Looking at the excited Bo'er she pinched his cheeks and said "Don't worry! Your father will surely fight in this competition!". Zhang Shui's family has already accepted little Bo as their Grandson after knowing his situation.

Everyone looked at Zhang Shui joining the competition and felt pity for him because everyone here is within Core formation stage and even Peak Core Formation stage and no need to mention the Crown Princess.

Zhang Shui looked at the 52 contestants to find that there is no one was at the Foundation stage except for him. But here no one knew that during the week he already reached Absolute Foundation.

During the week Zhang Shui has been Training hardly with his wife during Day and dual cultivating during Night. The repeated Dual Cultivation has made him finish his Absolute Foundation quickly then he expected. Feng'er also gained much from the dual cultivation but she didn't mention it to his husband as she wanted it to be her secret.

Previously without his Absolute Foundation, he could fight with any Initial Core Formation Stage Expert but now he's confident enough to fight a Peak Core Formation Stage expert. Combined with his Assassin's Inheritance Sword, he could dominate anyone within Core Formation Stage. But he looked wary of the little Innocent Princess as he wasn't confident enough to match her without knowing her powers.