Died? (Part 1)

Inside the dock of the Spaceship, Zhang Shui sat on the deck with 2 children sitting on his lap and another one on his head. It's been 28 days since they started journeying through his stealth ship.

On the way, they stopped at quite a few places to refill their food supplies and to take a break.

Within these 20 days, the kids got quite close to him. First, they thought he would treat them like a servant and punish them if they made any mistakes. After getting to know him they became fond of him.

In those children, Zhang Shui's favorite was Tina, she was a cute little girl only 6 years old and the youngest of them all. She was considered as the little princess of the gang. She was his favorite not because of her innocent character but of her mischievous character.

With her petite body, she would always think of ways to prank everyone. She would always scribble around the spaceship to prank Zhang Shui and would get beaten by Liliana. But Zhang Shui would only smile at her mischievous character because his ship got an auto-clean function. Every time she would scribble, Zhang Shui would make them sparkly clean which would make her pout and think of new ways to prank Zhang Shui again. Because of this little girl, the journey of 28 days wasn't boring.


A middle-aged man was sitting inside a small run-down spaceship and shouted "Ahhhhh....! Where did they go? Where did they go? I have been running for nearly a month! How could they just disappear in thin air after visiting a city?" the man was the supreme who was ordered by the Minotaur to negotiate with Zhang Shui.

He has been following the trails left by Zhang Shui. But he failed every time. Every time he would follow a lead, Zhang Shui and his co would disappear in thin air, its like they never existed. He took a sheet where Zhang Shui's face was drawn roughly with a charcoal.

"If I find him, I will kill him before negotiating! It's not like the Minotaur would find out anyway! Why should I risk my life and negotiate with him?" he thought out loud.

As he was nearing the deadline, the Supreme was filled with fear. He touched his forehead, a slave rune appeared on his head, but the difference was that the slave rune looked complex compared with the slaves Zhang Shui bought. As a Supreme, he knew that he couldn't cover his traces forever. The Guardian Clan will sure come to hunt him down soon. So his only way to survive was to finish his mission and return to the devil domain.


"Big Brother! I want a toy! The one you gave me broke!" Tina commanded Zhang Shui.

"Tina! Haven't you got another toy to play with! Why are you asking for a new one!" Liliana said with a strict tone.

Tina pouted at Liliana and started to throw a tantrum.

"Young Master! This is why I told you not spoil her!" Liliana complained to Zhang Shui.

Zhang Shui laughed helplessly.

"Qing'er! What is the distance of the nearest city or town?"

"Why? Do you want to make a stop? I already contacted Grandpa and everyone will be waiting there for you! It won't be nice to make them wait!" she said.

"It will be over in a minute! I'll park my spaceship above the city and no one would even notice it!" he replied.

Zhang Shui then arrived at the bluushire city and jumped off the ship.

"Tina! We'll buy you a toy and quickly return! OK!" said Zhang Shui.

She nodded excitedly and said "Big Brother is the best!" and kissed his cheeks.

Zhang Shui smiled and took her to the market. It was a busy city crowded with peddler and carriages.

At a distance, Tina saw a toy shop at the corner with stuffed toys of beasts. She quickly jumped off his hands and ran towards the shop.

Zhang Shui followed her as he knew that she would disappear if he takes his eyes off her.


Zhang Shui looked at a bulky guy who bumped his shoulders into him and fell down.

He looked at Zhang Shui and shouted "You! Don't you look where you going?"

Zhang Shui looked at him as he was a fool. He knew that the bulky guy came knowingly and bumped into him. But he didn't think he would be this much powerful for an Initial core formation stage.

Within this month, Zhang Shui already broke through his bottleneck. His powers are now comparable to a mid-Meridian Opening Stage expert. The bulky guy was just a peak core formation stage thug. The bulky guy wanted to push Zhang Shui down and extort his money. But the roles changed.

Zhang Shui didn't want to waste time with a thug as he followed tina. But the little brat vanished just like he thought.

Zhang Shui looked at the Thug with anger. Because he now has to search for her within this large crowd. The thug looked at Zhang Shui and eyed his brothers to join.

"You Brat! How dare you pushed our big brother down!" three thugs looked similar each other came and shouted at Zhang Shui.

Zhang Shui whipped his hands sending the thugs flying in the air. The thug who was down looked at his brothers sent flying with a single whip and scrambled away for his life.

Zhang Shui sighed and messaged Liliana and Lisa to help search for Tina. With an angry expression, Liliana searched for Tina as she was resolute in her decision to spank Tina after finding her.

Tina who was hiding in an alley looked at them and giggled. From her behind a middle-aged man came and asked: "Are you lost, little girl?"

"Humph! I'm not lost, go away!" she said. Even though Tina was small she was very intelligent, she knew this kind of people were always the bad ones.

The middle-aged guy laughed at her remark and said "Little girl looks like your elders haven't taught you any manners! Let me teach you!" he said as he caught her dress and lifted her in the air.

Tina looked at the guy and started shouting for Zhang Shui.

Zhang Shui and the others heard the voice and rushed there, but before they can reach the middle-aged man vanished with tina and left a note there.

"If you want her alive come behind the mountain before you!"