The Weird Dream

June 3, at night.

"Ughhh..." Jett grunted. "It's tomorrow! I don't want to go tomorrow! Summer is so short!" He mumbled.

Jett was just an average kid with the sides of his face covered in acne. His forehead, cheeks were covered in acne/pimples, but somehow, the center of his face was without acne/pimples. He was decent looking with a decent body build with a decent height, in the Philippines anyways. He had black, messy hair that is curly, extremely curly. His eyes were also black without special effects like those characters in novels, like black eyes that when you look at it directly, it's like looking at the universe. No! Do you really think that can happen in real life? Ehem, okay, anyways, enough grumbling. He had average skin color. He was pretty smart (And extremely nerdy), you can call someone like him an elite among the mediocre and a mediocre along the elite.

His only talents were solving the Rubik's Cube, playing the guitar, writing, online debating, and gaming in LoL as Jax, Master Yi, or Udyr.

Sigh, the world is truly unfair. In fact, he questions his existence, like, he can be in any body, but this body was the chosen vessel. It's just puzzling that in the billions of body in the world, why is it this vessel. In the vast universe, why is he on planet Earth? Is there some sort of hidden message? Is there really a purpose in life? Isn't living enough? Why do I live?

Anyways, enough with the existential crisis, let's go the main story again!

Jett was lying down on his bunk bed without the lower bed. He had his two hands on his head. He stared at the ceiling, pondering why summer passed by so quickly.

"It was like March yesterday, then the next day it was June." Jett sighed. "I should get some sleep..."

Jett shut his eyes closed and slept. His air conditioner's cold air blowing in his face, it felt extremely good. As to why this is an extremely good feeling, it's extremely hot in the Philippines, so Jett was pretty lucky to have an air conditioner.

Moments later, Jett entered a dream state.


In the dream, Jett was floating in a jet-black world. It was completely jet-black.

Suddenly, an old man appeared in front of him.

"Hello, my child." The old man said. The old man's voice was naturally raspy, he had a white long beard, and white hair. He actually pretty much resembled Gandalf from Lord of the Rings.

"G-Gandalf?" Jett asked, shocked.

Damn! I didn't even watch a single Lord of the Rings movie, neither did I read the books! I only know his looks because of searching, and shiz. How come he's here in my dream!

"No, no my child. I am the God of All Creation!" The old man said, then the dream world suddenly lit up.

"G-God of All Creation?" Jett was confused. He slapped himself, but to no accord.

He didn't wake up! It was too realistic for goodness sake!

"Y-you're serious right now?" Jett asked as his eyes turned into slits.

"Oh, yes, very serious." The old man said. "I now grant you the power of the Supreme Shopping System, and will accompany you in your journey. You will know what to do the moment you wake up tomorrow. Goodbye now."

'Gandalf' turned around and walked away.

"Wait!" Jett shouted but to no avail. The dream was cut off at that time.

Another dream occurred after.

[Ding~ Supreme Shopping System downloading...]

[1%... 2%... 3%...]

After about 10 minutes.

[99%.... 100%]

[Ding~ Download complete!]

[Uploading instructions...]

[Ding~ Instructions uploaded]

[Welcome to the Supreme Shopping System! You are dreaming of this because you were chosen by the God of All-Creation, Prontadynamus, to wield the Supreme Shopping System. By the time you are hearing this message, you just finished talking to the god himself. No, actually, you are still hearing him! The one speaking to you is a part of Prontadynamus' consciousness, soul, and will, except in the voice of a robotic woman. You are one of the many hosts of the Supreme Shopping System and is gifted to fight the forces of Anomis, the embodiment of many negative things. Good luck and happy shopping!]

After that message, the dream was once again cut off. But this time, it was really cut off.


"Uhh..." Jett groaned as he got up. "What time is it?"

Jett quickly got his phone and looked at the time. It was only 8:30 in the morning.

"Goddammit..." Jett cursed as he went back to sleep.

Suddenly, he remembered the weird dream he had last night. He couldn't sleep any longer once he remembered it and analyzed it.

"What the hell was that?" Jett muttered under his breath.

He shrugged it off and covered up himself with the sheets. He closed his eyes and wiggled around, trying to find the perfect sleeping position.

But he couldn't! No matter what position he tried, he couldn't get comfortable!

No, actually, he already found the perfect orientation, but he still couldn't sleep for some reason.

He finally conceded to the situation and took his phone. When he opened it and looked at the date, it said April 4, 2018!

"What the fuck!" Jett cussed to himself. "Is it just my phone? Am I hallucinating? Is it just the date was set wrong?"

Jett was panicking because of that dream last night and the current date on his phone. The message on the dream he had disturbed him to the point that he was hallucinating!

Or was he hallucinating?

Jett got up from his bed. There was no human being in the house other than him so he didn't have anything to worry about.

No, actually, he has so MANY things to worry about.

Did he travel in time? Was he drugged? Was he still in a dream? What the hell is fucking going on? What is HAPPENING!?

Jett was very confused and his expression says it all. He was troubled, obviously.

"What in the world is really happening?" Jett sighed to himself after he got down from his bed. His hands was on his forehead, clearly expressing his obliviousness to the current situation.

""Nak! (Full word: Anak, shortened: 'Nak, meaning child/son/daughter in Filipino)" Jett heard a woman's voice coming from downstairs.

Jett was relieved when he heard this. But just before he replied, he was suddenly struck with a realization.

June 4 was supposed to be the first day of school, and I'm supposed to wake up at 4:30 in the morning. So... What happened?

Jett entered into a state of yet another ocean-deep confusion.

"'Nak!" The woman's voice rang out again and pulled him out of the state of contemplation.

"Coming!" Jett shouted as he opened his doors, closed it behind his back and went down the stairs.

"Mom, what date is it today?" Jett immediately asked once he got down.

"April 4." Jett's mom casually said as she was tying her shoelaces.

Contrary to the nonchalant words of Jett's mom, on the mind of Jett, so many things were happening.

'I time traveled? Or am I in a dream? Is this even real? What the hell is actually going on? What is life? What is the purpose of my existence? Is the God of All-Creation real? What is that dream last night? What...' Jett thought all of these things all at once. He even started questioning his own existence,

"Feed the dogs, release them in our yard, and also..." Jett's mom sent a flurry of commands at Jett.

This caused Jett to awaken from his stupor and roll his eyes. 'I already know all of these!'

"Okay, mom. I'll do all of that later. Goodbye!" Jett said goodbye and kissed his mom on the cheek.

The moment his mom was out of sight, he instantly rushed back to his own room, got on his bed and sat cross-legged.

"What is happening..." Jett once again asked to himself.

[Hello, host!] The moment Jett uttered happening, a robotic woman voice sounded out in his mind.

This freaked the hell out of Jett and his face contorted in horror.

He calmed himself down, and tried to remember the contents of his dream to find an explanation to the situation at hand.

Jett remembered three words. Supreme Shopping System. But other than that, only the Gandalf-looking man and other stuff only comes to mind.

"Who are you?" Jett warily asked.

[I am the Supreme Shopping System.]

Information exploded in his brain in an instant. The instructions, introductions, and any information regarding the Supreme Shopping System was now in his long term memory and is permanently ingrained in his mind.

"T-this is all real?" Jett asked with a trembling voice.

[Of course.]

Jett slapped himself to see if he will wake up from this 'dream.'

And of course, to no avail.

"Then why is the date April 4?"

[Time travel.] The system's voice answered.

Jett was shocked and impressed beyond words at this answer. Time travel! Time travelling is actually possible!

Jett's thought quickly drifted away from the fact that he has a system.

After a few minutes of being excited about time travel, he finally remembered that he has the Supreme Shopping System.

He opened the SSS.

"Woah, this looks very much like a computer..." Jett mumbled.

As he already knows how to operate the SSS and everything about it (Not totally everything though), he accepted reality already.

I mean, who wouldn't want a blissful life by gaining a system that can only be seen in fictional novels, right?

Well, I guess some people prefer a life without a system because it takes all kind of people to create a world, but they're the minority!

Well, I guess they're mostly teenagers.... Okay, enough about that.

There was only one thing in the 'computer screen.' A very large gift that occupies most of the center of the screen.

"Huh." Jett shrugged as he used his hands to touch the gift.

Of course, Jett knew that he didn't need to use his hands, but it is much better this way.

[Ding~ Basic Starter Package Opened!]

[Storage Function Unlocked!]

[Ding~ 10,000 SC received!]

[Ding~ Starter Weapon Lottery Card received!]

[Ding~ Starter Armor Lottery Card received!]

[Ding~ Starter Item Lottery Card received!]

[Ding~ Starter Ability Lottery Card received!]

[Ding~ Prontadynamus' Will received!]

A series of notification sounds rang out on Jett's mind. Jett was actually pretty nonchalant on all the happenings in his life.

That's because he already, ALREADY, became numb of all the surprises. Don't ask, Jett adapts pretty quickly on situations.

The screen then actually became a computer screen. A taskbar on the top, which has a shopping cart on the first slot, a... Pause button? On the second slot. A gear on the third slot, and a bag on the fourth slot.

Jett, because of the instructions, already knew what are these. The shopping cart was the shop itself, the pause button was the pause function (Which Jett didn't believe is true), the gear was the settings and the bag was the storage.

There was also a 10,000 SC on the right side of the taskbar.

Jett's eyes gleamed with excitement. On the other hand, his expression was extremely tranquil, for some reason.

On his mind, Jett was dancing around in joy, while on the outside, he was just sitting there. If any other kid were to get this kind of system and they didn't read novels of this type, they probably would have freaked out to the point that they pass out.

Jett didn't knew how to actually react to the situation, so he just sat there.

Finally, he made a movement and touched the bag icon.

Again, although he didn't need to do this, he wanted to. He knew that the system was controlled by will.

An RPG-like inventory appeared, but there were only ten slots in one row as opposed to having many rows.

Jett ignored the number of slots and instantly touched the Starter Item Lottery Card.


[Ding~ Heaven's Luck Bead received!]

A hologram that depicts the information about what he just received then appeared.

Name: Heaven's Luck Bead

Origin: ???

Grade: Superior Artifact-Grade Item

Description: An item that brings immense luck to the user. It is an item created by the God of Luck, and Probability in his heyday. This is the only one of its kind and will never be able to be replicated.

Enchantments: Soul-bound (To Jett Valdez) Unreplicable, Blueprint Creation Immune


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