Entering The Great Tower (II)

As soon as the massive gate of the Great Tower opened, a powerful aura that could suppress both the heavens and earth suddenly leaked out from inside the Tower. It was as though this power was saying that the master of the universe and the myriad realms was residing within that Tower.

Shad and his group were aghast. Not only Shad, but the others felt a sudden impulse to prostrate and worship this power that was leaking out from the gate of the Great Tower. This power seemed as though it represented the supreme will of the heavens itself. It was as if it belongs to an ancient God or a supreme being from the ancient time.

All seemed nothing before its grandeur. Even Gomez who was a 7th rank mage and was so confident in his strength felt as if he was like an ant that could be crushed at any moment by that power.

Furthermore, even though they haven't entered the Tower yet, they had already fallen victim to its power as they felt their cultivation base was reduced by at least 5%.

" Okay, all of you wake up, I am going to explain somethings that you guys must firmly bear in minds." At this time, Shad's voice entered the ears of everyone. And everyone who was immersed in that powerful majestic aura of the Great Tower suddenly sobered up. Then they looked towards Shad with a solemn expression on their faces.

Earlier when they saw the massive carving of the Purple Lightning Dragon and the other beasts, They quivered in fear from their aura. Even though they knew that it was just a carving, an image. It didn't make them any less frightened. Just their images were this terrifying? What if the real creatures were before them? Wouldn't all of them immediately die from the pressure alone?

Now that they were about to enter the Tower, they could only hope that their luck is good and pray that they don't meet any of these beasts in the drawings otherwise they won't stand a chance.

As if that wasn't enough, when the massive gate of that Tower suddenly opened, the power that leaked out from that door made them feel quite insignificant, lower than even insects. Furthermore, they suddenly had the urge to prostrate themselves in front that door, if it wasn't for the voice of the 4th imperial prince that woke them up from their trance, they would have to kneel in front of that door already.

" Also, Vivi, this is your last chance if you want to change your mind because once we passed through that door, there's no coming back untill we accomplish our mission."

Ever since they've entered the endless mist, Vivianna has been very quiet. She didn't cause any trouble to Shad nor teased him. Shad didn't know whether it was because she was afraid or because she was just trying to be a supportive big sister.

" Of course I am going in, even though I might not be as strong as you but I can fend for myself. You don't have to worry about me being a burden to you." Vivivana answered with a confident look on her face. After saying that, she shifted her gaze to the small magic pouch tight to her waist. Before she had sneaked out and followed Shad to the Great Tower, she had stolen more than ten magic scrolls from his great-grandfather and another five from her father Emperor.

Viviana had heard of how dangerous the Great Tower was, and even though she knew how powerful her little brother was, she didn't feel at ease in let him go by himself.

She knew that Shad never like to use things such as magic scrolls and even weapons but relied on his strength alone to overcome any obstacles, As such, Vivianna had decided to tag along just because of that. In a place such as the Great Tower where one's strength was suppressed, going there without any external helps such magic scrolls and magic weapons were akin to suicide. Even her great-grandfather who was a 9th rank experts always pack a handful of magic scrolls when entering the Great Tower, so one could imagine how dangerous that place was and the importance of the use of magic scrolls in such a place.

However, what she didn't know was that Shad was confident that the Tower won't be able to suppress him because of the purple lightning seed within his infinite space. Shad was very sure of that which was why he didn't even bother to get some powerful magic scrolls before entering the Tower. Magic scrolls were very expansive and hard to make, as such, Shad didn't want to waste them if he had no need for them.

" Ok then, if you are so confident in your ability then I won't force you to go back," Shad replied.

" After entering the Tower, it will suppress our strength from our initial rank to the 1st rank warrior or mage, which means we won't be as powerful as we are now. As such we will have to be very careful. There are many magical beasts trapped within the Tower as well, and just like us, their strength will be reduced as well. However, don't think that they would be an easy target or we will have the advantage because of that. In fact, we will be at the disadvantage because there's a huge physical difference between humans and magical beasts. We can only overcome that handicap with our numbers and tactics."

" Our goal is not to kill and hunt magical beasts but to make it to the 9th floor as soon as possible and look for the treasure left by Henry. I know it's gonna be very hard, but we will try as hard as we could to avoid any magical beasts. If by any bad luck we encounter some, we will try to kill them as swiftly and silently as possible so we don't attract the attention of the others. "

" If one of you is injured and couldn't continue, we'll leave you in a safe place on the lower floor which has the least danger accompanied by another two soldiers to guard you and when we come back, we will come for you," Shad said with a solemn expression on his face.

He continued." One more thing, no matter what, do not release your spiritual force inside the Tower because if your spiritual force draws the attention of some creatures, they will quickly discover our presence and location."

In a dangerous place like the Great Tower that was filled with magical beasts, actively releasing one spiritual force was telling all magical beasts and the other creatures within the Tower of one location. That was as good as looking for death.

Seeing that he had said all he needed to say, Shad suddenly stopped talking, then looked at the entrance of the Tower before he added." Well, I will only say this much, now let's enter the legendary Great Tower."

Then he took the lead as he walked towards the tunnel of the Great Tower followed by the Lightning Corps and the others.

As soon as Shad passed through the door, a mysterious voice rang out within his mind. It was an ancient and archaic voice, it sounded as if it came from the past all the way to the present and said" I've waited so long for you! my honorable heir."