New Power

Back to several years before

When Sunrise Real Estate about to begin their evil intention.

For some days after that, Sister Christina did not go out because she must do many administration works. She only gets out as far as orphanage yards, watching the children playing there.

That day the weather is fine. The sun shines brightly on the east horizon, giving its warmth to the earth. Reid was on orphanage roof, fixing the holes there, so it would not leak during the rain. Everyone in the orphanage was in good mood, including Sister Christina. When she goes out to the orphanage yard, she saw Reid still fixing the roof. An idea crossing her mind, Reid had been work hard lately, I should reward him with something.

"Good morning Reid"

"Good morning Sister"

"How's your doing there? If you feel tired just get down and rest for a while"

"I'm alright Sister. I'll finish this soon"

"You've work hard. Do you want something to eat? I'll tell the cook to make it"

"Anything is fine sister"

"You like fish right? I'll buy the fish at shop there and tell the cook to make special dish for you"

"Okay, if that's not trouble you Sister"

Sister Christina returns to orphanage to take her purse and basket. After that, she crossing the road to go to fish shop nearby. As usual, she always looks at right and left before crossing road. There's no car heading to her, only some cars parked in roadside. When she feels it safe to crossing, she walks to the other side of road. What she doesn't know is, when she step out from orphanage and stand in roadside, one of the car parked in roadside starting its engine.

Sister Christina didn't realize a car suddenly speeding toward her. She just casually walk, because she sure there's no car passing this road. When she hears roaring sound of a car engine, it's already close to her. Shock make her freeze in the middle of the road, she only can close her eyes and pray to God to give her painless dead. She just opens her eyes when she feels a hand grab her waist and pull her to the roadside, the sound of car engine just passed her quickly and disappears in the next crossroad.

She can't believe in her eyes when seeing the hand that grabs her waist is Reid's hand. She remembers clearly Reid still in the roof when she crossing the road. How come he already beside her?

"Reid, is this really you?"

"This is me, Sister Christina"

"How … how you'd be here? Didn't you still fixing the roof just now?"

"That's … That's I don't know either Sister. From the roof, I see a car heading toward you in fast speed. I want to shout to warn you but my voice didn't come out. All things in my mind are to get near you and drag you from the road"

Sister Christina stares at Reid's eyes. His eyes still like what he has from child age. A pair of eyes that reflecting honesty and bravery. That's the kind of eyes that she looking at now. She knows Reid didn't lie to her, he doesn't know how he can save her either.

"Don't mind it, Reid, I'm glad you able to save me. Let's pray and thanks to God for His protection"

Sister Christina making a prayer sign and smiling to Reid.

"Since you already here, can you accompany me shopping?"

"Sure, but are you alright Sister?"

"I'm fine, just a little shocked, that's all"

"I can do the shopping for you"

Sister Christina wave her finger in front of Reid's face

"No No No, young man, I teach you something. Shopping is women's pleasure, don't even try to disturb it. When you married someday, and accompany your wife to shopping, you must patient with your wife"

Reid only smiles wryly hearing this. Sister Christina seems still hoping that he finds a girl and get married someday. It's still a dream for him thou.

"Alright, I'll carry your shopping basket, is that okay Sister?"

"Um. Let's go"

Meanwhile in Sunrise Real Estate,

Schonberg receiving a phone call from his lackey. His face was gloomy when he heard what his lackey said. He squeezes the phone handle into pieces after his lackeys hung the phone. Jimmy that with him in the room, surprised seeing that.

"Mr. Schonberg, what happens?"

"They failed"

"You mean the one you tasked on orphanage? How?"

"Yes, that one. That young man from orphanage save her in the nick of time"

"Can we do this plan again?"

"No. They'll be more cautious with this. We must use another way"

"What do you plan Mr. Schonberg?"

"Since the accident plan failed, we had to use the other plan, the arson plan"

"We're going to burn that orphanage?"


[Back to present time, the day after Scarlett going to slum area]

Scarlett never feels so lazy to go to office like today. Last night incident in Joe's Bar still leaving a trauma to her. Now she understands why her colleague so unwilling to accompany her to the slum. But she must go to the office or BB will cut her salary for absence. After taking a bath and breakfast, she goes to Daily Metropolis. When she arrives there, her colleague still tries to avoid her, but she doesn't care too much, she just goes to her desk, put her bag down, and sit. Then start to think what she going to do today.

When she still thinking, her phone ringing, and a text message appears. When she opens it, the sender is Sally. When she looks at Sally, she just gives a sign for Scarlett to read what Sally sent.

'Scarlett dear, do you really going to slum area?'

' I do. Why?' Scarlett reply the text

'You're going there alone?'

'Yes, why you asking this?'

'nothing, just curious. What happens there?'

'I'll tell you later. Too lazy right now'

After this reply, Sally didn't send her text anymore. She just approaching other male employees, showing her phone and the male employee pays her 5 bucks. She does that to over 20 male employees in Daily Metropolis. Scarlett astonished with what Sally doing when Sally returns to her desk, she can't hold her curiosity any longer and ask Sally.

"Sally, what is this all about?"

"About what?" Sally pretending didn't know anything

"You taking 5 bucks from everybody"

"Oh, that's one. Well, we make a bet among us. Whether you'll go or not to slum area. All of them bet you will not go, I'm the only one who bet you will go. And you're my lucky star, I get so much money from this bet, thank you"

"WHHAAATTTT!!!!" Scarlett almost can't believe what she just hears.